Colonial - American Only
Many additional authentic issues are available with Colonial America content. Those shown below are those issues published within the colonies. Select the "Colonial - British Included" tab if you want to include British titles with colonial content.Colonial - American Only
Many additional authentic issues are available with Colonial America content. Those shown below are those issues published within the colonies. Select the "Colonial - British Included" tab if you want to include British titles with colonial content.
A 1733 newspaper from Germany...
Item #695787
May 11, 1733
NEUE ZEITUNGEN von GELCHRTEN SACHEN, Leipzig, Germany, May 11, 1733
* Rare miniature curiosity
A very early and tiny newspaper from this largest city in the German province of Saxony. The title roughly translates: "News From Learned Things". At this time George Washington was just one year old.
Eight pages, 4 by 6 1/2 inches, a few minor, period notations at margins, great ... See More
One of the earliest newspapers from the colonies...
Item #710010
May 15, 1735
THE AMERICAN WEEKLY MERCURY, Philadelphia, May 15, 1735
* Among the earliest of American newspapers
* Very early & rare colonial publication
As any serious collector of newspapers knows, it is exceedingly difficult to find any colonial American newspapers from before 1760, let alone an issue from 1735. It began in 1719 and only published through 1749. It was the very first newspa... See More
The first successful magazine in the country...
Item #697098
April 30, 1743
THE CHRISTIAN HISTORY, Boston, April 30, 1743 This was the very first successful magazine in America, preceded by just a few magazines which lasted but a couple of issues--one of which was by Ben Franklin. Even this title lasted but a few short years.
As the subtitle reads: "Containing Accounts of the Propagation & Revival of Religion in Great Britain & America", th... See More
The first successful magazine in the country...
Item #697762
May 07, 1743
THE CHRISTIAN HISTORY, (Boston), May 7, 1743
* Very rare 18th century magazine
* 1st successful magazine in America
This was the first successful magazine in America although formatted unlike typical magazines. It was exclusively a chronicle of the Great Awakening in America, exclusively of secular news reports. It was preceded by just a few magazines which lasted but a couple of iss... See More
The first successful magazine in the country...
Item #704880
May 07, 1743
THE CHRISTIAN HISTORY, (Boston), May 7, 1743 This was the first successful magazine in America although formatted unlike typical magazines. It was exclusively a chronicle of the Great Awakening in America, exclusively of secular news reports. It was preceded by just a few magazines which lasted but a couple of issues--one of which was by Ben Franklin. Even this title lasted but a few short y... See More
The Great Awakening... Christian revival in New-Londonderry, PA...
Item #653754
May 21, 1743
THE CHRISTIAN HISTORY, (Boston), May 21, 1743 This was the first successful magazine in America although formatted unlike typical magazines. It was exclusively a chronicle of the Great Awakening in America, exclusively of secular news reports. It was preceded by just a few magazines which lasted but a couple of issues--one of which was by Ben Franklin. Even this title lasted but a few short ... See More
The first successful magazine in the country...
Item #645581
March 10, 1744
THE CHRISTIAN HISTORY, (Boston), March 10, 1743,4 (year noted as such as it was 1743 or 1744 depending on which calendar was used).
This was the very first successful magazine in America, preceded by just a few magazines which lasted but a couple of issues--one of which was by Ben Franklin. Even this title lasted but a few short years.
As the subtitle reads: "Containing Accounts of t... See More
The first successful magazine in the country...
Item #704881
March 10, 1744
THE CHRISTIAN HISTORY, (Boston), March 10, 1743,4 (year noted as such as it was 1743 or 1744 depending on which calendar was used).
This was the very first successful magazine in America, preceded by just a few magazines which lasted but a couple of issues--one of which was by Ben Franklin. Even this title lasted but a few short years.
As the subtitle reads: "Containing Accounts of t... See More
The first successful magazine in the country...
Item #681106
April 14, 1744
THE CHRISTIAN HISTORY, Boston, April 14, 1744 This was the first successful magazine in America although formatted unlike typical magazines. It was exclusively a chronicle of the Great Awakening in America, exclusively of secular news reports. It was preceded by just a few magazines which lasted but a couple of issues--one of which was by Ben Franklin. Even this title lasted but a few short ... See More
The first successful magazine in the country...
Item #690181
April 28, 1744
THE CHRISTIAN HISTORY, Boston, April 28, 1744 This was the first successful magazine in America although formatted unlike typical magazines. It was exclusively a chronicle of the Great Awakening in America, exclusively of secular news reports. It was preceded by just a few magazines which lasted but a couple of issues--one of which was by Ben Franklin. Even this title lasted but a few short ... See More
Very early newspaper from Cologne, Germany...
Item #702551
March 19, 1751
ORDINARIA RELATIONIS DIARIE CONINUATIO, Colonie Agrippinea, March 19, 1751 In 50 A.D. Roman emperor Claudius planted a colony on the left bank of the Rhine River. At the request of his wife he named it "Colonia Agrippina", which later became Cologne, Germany.
All four pages appear to be in Latin. Never bound nor trimmed with wide margins, 6 1/4 by 7 1/4 inches, a few period notati... See More
Early, short-lived colonial newspaper...
Item #698458
March 01, 1753
* Rare Colonial New York original
* Short lived publication
This rare newspaper lasted for less than one year, publishing but 52 issues. Primarily moral and political essays, it gave offense to men in power and was "suppressed by authorities", as Brigham relates. As noted in a book published exclusively about this periodical, thi... See More
Very early, short-lived, colonial newspaper...
Item #683461
July 12, 1753
* Rare Colonial New York original
* Short lived publication
This rare newspaper lasted for less than one year, publishing but 52 issues. Primarily moral and political essays, it gave offense to men in power and was "suppressed by authorities", as Brigham relates.
A fine opportunity to purchase at a reasonable price a very e... See More
Very early, short-lived, colonial newspaper...
Item #692662
August 02, 1753
* Rare Colonial New York original
* Short lived publication
This rare newspaper lasted for less than one year, publishing but 52 issues. Primarily moral and political essays, it gave offense to men in power and was "suppressed by authorities", as Brigham relates.
A fine opportunity to purchase at a reasonable price a very ... See More
Very early, short-lived, colonial newspaper...
Item #697460
August 16, 1753
THE INDEPENDENT REFLECTOR, New York, August 16, 1753
* Rare Colonial New York original
* Short lived publication
This rare newspaper lasted for less than one year, publishing but 52 issues. Primarily moral and political essays, it gave offense to men in power and was "suppressed by authorities" as Brigham relates.
A fine opportunity to purchase at a reasonable price a very ... See More
Very early, short-lived, colonial newspaper...
Item #704705
August 30, 1753
THE INDEPENDENT REFLECTOR, New York, Aug. 30, 1753 This rare newspaper lasted for less than one year, publishing but 52 issues. Primarily moral and political essays, it gave offense to men in power and was "suppressed by authorities", as Brigham relates.
A fine opportunity to purchase at a reasonable price a very early issue--over 270 years old--by James Parker from the colonial p... See More
A Ben Franklin newspaper with the earliest mention of G. Washington we have found in an American newspaper? Death of Ben Franklin's brother...
Item #710763
February 12, 1756
THE PENNSYLVANIA GAZETTE, Philadelphia, Feb. 12, 1756
A fine Ben Franklin issue from the French & Indian War period, which includes what we believe is the earliest mention of George Washington we have found in an American newspaper. He was a colonel in the Virginia militia at that time: "Last week Colonel Washington arrived here [Phila.] from Virginia; as did the honorable Chief Ju... See More
Early American title from the French & Indian War...
Item #702912
May 13, 1762
* Rare Colonial Massachusetts
* St. Augustine, Florida
This is a much later issue of America's first successful newspaper, founded in 1704.
The top of the ftpg. has a nice recruiting advertisements to enlist soldiers to fight in the on-going French & Indian War: "For Recruiting His Majesty's Regular Forc... See More
Early, colonial America almanac...
Item #702540
January 01, 1767
"An Astronomical Diary Or Almanack..." for the year 1767, printed in Boston by Nathaniel Ames. An early almanac in 24 pages.
Wear at the margins as is typical of almanacs as they were heavily used throughout the year. Remnants of older tape at the spine, 4 by 6 1/2 inches.
Reference to the Stamp Act...
Item #701127
March 23, 1767
* Rare pro British Colonial publication
* American taxation - re. stamp act
Over 1 1/2 columns of the front page are taken up with: "Dr. Franklin's Pieces in Behalf of North America", signed in type: Homespun.
Also on the front page is a letter mentioning: "...I know not with what ... See More
Would reject independence if offered... Regarding representation in Parliament...
Item #688491
April 04, 1768
THE BOSTON CHRONICLE, Massachusetts, April 4, 1768 Inside has most of a page taken up with a letter from the Speaker of the Mass. Assembly to one of the King's Secretaries of State, which includes: " seems to be conclusive that as those acts were made with the sole & express purpose of raising a revenue out of America, the subjects here are in those instances unfortunately ... See More
Boston newspaper with Loyalist leanings... Opinions on Massachusetts clergy re the Charter...
Item #688492
December 26, 1768
THE BOSTON CHRONICLE, December 26, 1768 The publisher of this newspaper had Loyalist leanings, causing its demise before the formal outbreak of the Revolutionary War.
All of pages 1 & 2 are taken up with a continued report on: "Voltaire on History". Page 3 has: "The Opinions of the Ministers of the colony of the Massachusetts...upon this question--Whether to Surrender the... See More
Boston newspaper with Loyalist leanings...
Item #709991
December 26, 1768
THE BOSTON CHRONICLE, Massachusetts, Dec. 26, 1768
* Colonial Boston original
* Pro loyalist - Tory
* Pre Rev. War tensions
The publisher of this newspaper had Loyalist leanings, causing its demise before the formal outbreak of the Revolutionary War.
All of pages 1 & 2 are taken up with a continued report on: "Voltaire on History". Page 3 has: "The Opinions of th... See More
Imports, exports... Yankee Doodle...
Item #687381
March 06, 1769
* Early Yankee Doodle song mention
* Importation - exportation tensions
The front page has an interesting article about: "...George being now master of the ceremonies made the music play just as he pleased; and one night...he swore he would exhibit to the company a dance which had never been attem... See More
Maryland's non-importation resolution...
Item #701324
July 03, 1769
PENNSYLVANIA CHRONICLE & UNIVERSAL ADVERTISER, Philadelphia, July 3, 1769 The front page includes an illustration relating to a new kind if water-powered mill. Page 3 has an interesting report of: "A bill for a charitable lottery for the relief of distressed Virgins in Great Britain" which begins: "Whereas, by the great & melancholy disuse of holy matrimony in the king... See More
Single sheet "Supplement" to the Pennsylvania Gazette...
Item #694917
August 03, 1769
SUPPLEMENT TO THE PENNSYLVANIA GAZETTE, No. 2119 (Philadelphia, Aug. 3, 1769)
* Rare colonial publication
This "Supplement" issue came with the Aug. 3, 1769 (date not printed here) issue of the Gazette but has since been separated. As was typically the purpose of Supplement issues, this single sheet is entirely taken up with advertisements that could not fit in the reg... See More
The Boston Massacre: a fine & detailed account...
Item #711274
March 15, 1770
THE NEW-YORK JOURNAL OR THE GENERAL ADVERTISER, March 15, 1770 The masthead features an engraving of the Royal coat-of-arms.
Among the memorable events of history for the American populace, the Boston Massacre would certainly rank near the top. Unfortunately, we have rarely had the opportunity to offer this notable event in an American newspaper.
Page 3 reports a timely & very detailed telli... See More
An incomplete almanac, but from 1771...
Item #702542
January 01, 1771
"An Astronomical Diary Or An Almanack..." for the year 1771, printed in Boston by Nathaniel Ames. This is a damaged almanac as it is missing one interior leaf (March-April). Plus all leaves are loos, with much wear at margins including a few small portions missing from the margins.
Paul Revere engraved the masthead... Battle of Alamance...
Item #687196
January 23, 1772
THE MASSACHUSETTS SPY, Boston, Jan. 23, 1772
* Paul Revere masthead engraving
* Pre American Revolutionary War
* Battle of Alamance - North Carolina
This newspaper published by the famed Isaiah Thomas is undoubtedly one of the more significant & notable titles of the Revolutionary War era. An ardent patriot, Thomas was a constant target of the Royalist government. He began his ne... See More
Curious little 1773 "newspaper"...
Item #663137
December 19, 1773
* Curious little "newspaper"
* Pre revolutionary era from France
This is a very curious little newspaper, loosely translated to: "Manifest of Goods Imported at the Port of Marseille". Qualifies as a periodical as the issue carries a specific date. But there is no text, in... See More
Likely the most desired masthead from the 18th century... Paul Revere's segmented snake engraving - "Join or Die"
Item #687194
October 27, 1774
THE MASSACHUSETTS SPY, Or Thomas's Boston Journal, October 27, 1774 It would be difficult to properly place both the scarcity and desirability of this newspaper in the confect of American history. This issue has the famous "Join Or Die" engraving stretching across the masthead.
In the same way that the famous "Dewey Defeats Truman" issue of the Chicago Tribune is com... See More
Famous "Unite Or Die" engraving in the masthead...
Item #681728
November 16, 1774
THE PENNSYLVANIA JOURNAL; AND THE WEEKLY ADVERTISER, Philadelphia, November 16, 1774 If there was one graphic which represented the spirit of the Revolutionary War it would have to be the ubiquitous segmented snake with the famous "Unite Or Die" caption. The engraving, a prominent device in the masthead of this newspaper, shows a snake cut into various pieces, each with a
... See More
Much on the tensions between England & the American colonies...
Item #687205
March 17, 1775
* Rare colonial America publication
* Pre Revolutionary War tensions w/ England
Although all American newspapers from the colonial era are quite scarce, this title is even more so.
The front page has a letter concerning bearing arms, followed by a letter noting: "An artful piece has been handed abou... See More
Edmund Burke's conciliatory plan...
Item #703310
May 13, 1775
THE PENNSYLVANIA EVENING POST, Philadelphia, May 13, 1775 All of pages 1 and 2 are taken up with continued discussion in the House of Lords: "Authentic Debates on the New-England Fishery Bill". This was one of the notable Restraining Acts that would eventually lead to the Revolutionary War.
Page 3 contains Mr. Burke's nine point conciliatory plan, taking over half the page, an... See More
Very angry letter written to General Gage...
Item #687201
June 14, 1775
* At the beginning of the Revolutionary War
* Angry letter to British General Thomas Gage
The entire third column of the front page and half a column on page 2 are taken up with a terrific & very critical letter addressed: "To the Perfidious, the Truce Breaking Thomas Gage" which begins: "It is difficu... See More
Battle of Bunker Hill... Washington as Commander-in-Chief...
Item #697032
June 27, 1775
THE PENNSYLVANIA EVENING POST, Philadelphia, June 27, 1775
* Battle of Bunker Hill - Charlestown
* Siege of Boston, Massachusetts
* George Washington named commander
* American Revolutionary War
Almost the entire front page is taken up with a terrific and vitriolic attack on General Gage concerning his actions at Boston, the full text shown in the photos below, with bits including: ... See More
Two accounts of Bunker Hill, Washington becomes commander-in-chief, so much more. In a Virginia newspaper...
Item #705357
July 14, 1775
VIRGINIA GAZETTE, Williamsburg, July 14, 1775
This newspaper was published by Alexander Purdie, a distinction to be made since there were three newspapers of this title printed in Williamsburg during the early period of the Revolutionary War. A very rare opportunity for a scarce title from colonial Virginia.
When it comes to the military events of the Revolutionary War, I'm not s... See More
Much like the Olive Branch Petition... Reaction by the soldiers to reading the "...Causes & Necessity of Taking Up Arms"...
Item #687100
July 26, 1775
* American Revolutionary War
* Post Battle of Bunker Hill
A terrific issue, as the entire front page and most of page 2 are taken up with a terrific follow-up to the Olive Branch Petition, in fact, written just 3 days after it, in which the Continental Congress points out the many issues with its relations with England, detai... See More
Ben Franklin's famous "Unite Or Die" engraving in the masthead...
Item #687418
September 06, 1775
* Benjamin Franklin's "Unite Or Die" cartoon
If there was one graphic that represented the spirit of the Revolutionary War it would have to be the ubiquitous segmented snake with the famous "Unite Or Die" caption. The engraving, a prominent device in the masthead of
... See More
* Benjamin Franklin's "Unite Or Die" cartoon
If there was one graphic that represented the spirit of the Revolutionary War it would have to be the ubiquitous segmented snake with the famous "Unite Or Die" caption. The engraving, a prominent device in the masthead of
Lexington & Concord content...
The Conciliatory Resolution plus Congress' response to it...
Item #710758
September 07, 1775
* John Hancock type signature
* The Conciliatory Resolution
* Lexington & Concord report
very historic issue as the front page contains not only the full text of the Conciliatory Resolution by Parliament, but the Continental Congress' lengthy response to it, signed in type by its President: John Hancoc... See More
One of the more rare Revolutionary War titles... Battle of Bunker Hill... Patrick Henry... so much more...
Item #687318
October 06, 1775
* Battle of Bunker Hill
* Revolutionary War
* Very rare publication
Certainly one of the more scarce titles from during the Revolutionary War. This is the volume 1 number 27 issue of a newspaper that existed only from April 7 to December 22, 1775, publishing a total of just 38 i... See More
Capture of Ethan Allen, and so much more...
Item #701119
November 24, 1775
* Ethan Allen captured
* American Revolutionary War
The front page has a bit noting: "...letter from General Burgoyne at Boston wherein he says that 20,000 men would be a feeble reinforcement to the army there, in their present situation." Page 2 has various tidbits relating to the war, a few including: "... See More
Provincial Congress meeting (1775)...
Item #702716
December 23, 1775
PENNSYLVANIA EVENING POST, Philadelphia, Dec. 23, 1775
* Meeting of a Provincial Congress
* Early American Revolutionary War
Front page report mentions the meeting of a Provincial Congress in Charlestown, South Carolina. Interesting ftpg. letter concerning a runaway slave on board a British ship. Pg. 2 has political reports from New York & Philadelphia, including men
... See More
* Meeting of a Provincial Congress
* Early American Revolutionary War
Front page report mentions the meeting of a Provincial Congress in Charlestown, South Carolina. Interesting ftpg. letter concerning a runaway slave on board a British ship. Pg. 2 has political reports from New York & Philadelphia, including men
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