Korean War Era
Korean War Era
Additional war collections...
Item #180155
Additional War Collections can be obtained for any of the following: French & Indian War, Revolutionary War, Mexican War, Spanish-American War, WWI, and the Korean War. Prices will vary depending upon the collection, but will be priced similarly to our other war collections, and may range from $40 to $100. Contact us for additional details and exact pricing.
Korean War begins...
Item #564549
June 26, 1950
THE TIMES-PICAYUNE, New Orleans, Louisiana, June 26, 1950 This 50 page newspaper has a three column headline on the front page: "NORTH KOREAN DRIVE IS REPORTED HALTED" with subhead and related photo. (see) This was actually the start of the Korean War which would last for more than 3 years.
Other news of the day. Light browning with minor spine wear, otherwise good.
Beginning of the Korean War...
Item #639291
June 29, 1950
THE SPRINGFIELD UNION, Massachusetts, June 29, 1950
* Korean war beginning
* U.S. involvement starting
The front page has a five column headline: "MACARTHUR AT KOREA FRONT AS REDS SLASH DEEPER INTO SOUTH" with subheads and related photo.
Other news, sports and advertisements of the day. Complete in 40 pages, some spine wear, otherwise nice.
... See More
1st Cape Canaveral launch...
Item #578711
July 25, 1950
THE DETROIT FREE PRESS, Michigan, July 25, 1950
* Bumper 8 rocket launch... V-2 & WAC Corporal
* Very 1st for Cape Canaveral in Florida
This 22 page newspaper has a two column headline on the front page:
"Rocket Zooms Up at 2,700 MPH" with photo of the takeoff (see photos).
This was the very 1st rocket launch from Cape Canaveral Florida. A historic ... See More
1950 Korean War...
Item #672660
September 05, 1950
THE NEW YORK TIMES, Sept. 5, 1950
* Korean War original
* Second Battle of Naktong Bulge
The top of the front page has a five column headline: "SOVIET FLIER DOWNED OFF KOREA BY ALLIED PATROL, U. S. TELLS U. N.; RED DRIVE NEAR POHANG ADVANCES" with various related subheads and photo.
Complete with all 48 pages, rag edition in great condition.... See More
Battle of Inchon is a turning point in the Korean War...
Item #713083
September 15, 1950
FITCHBURG SENTINEL, Mass., Sept. 15, 1950
* Battle of Inchon - Korean War
* United States Marines invasion
* Amphibious warfare & bombardment
The front page has a banner headline: "Allied Landings Turn Tide In War" with subheads and related map. (see images) Nice for display. The Battle of Inchon was a major turning point in the Korean War.
Complete with 16 pages, lig... See More
1950 Battle of Hill 282...
Item #672183
September 24, 1950
THE TIMES PICAYUNE, New Orleans, September 24, 1950
* Battle of Hill 282
* P-51 Mustangs
* Korean War
Near the top of the front page is a small one column heading: "US Planes Bomb, Strafe British by Mistake" First report coverage on the U.S. air strike on British troops by mistake.
Thirty-two pages, some wear at the margins with a little unrelated text loss (see), light toning ... See More
1950 Second Battle of Seoul, South Korea...
Item #713084
September 27, 1950
FITCHBURG SENTINEL, Mass. Sept. 27, 1950
* Second Battle of Seoul, South Korea
* United Nations capture city w/ map
* U.S. General Douglas MacArthur
The top of the front page has a headline announcing: "Seoul Mopup nearly Complete" with subheads and related map. (see images)
Complete with 18 pages, light toning at the margins, nice condition.... See More
1950 Wake Island Conference.. Korean War...
Item #693990
October 15, 1950
THE DETROIT NEWS, Oct. 15, 1950
* Wake Island Conference
* Korean War progress
* Douglas MacArthur
* Harry S. Truman
The top of the front page has a banner heading: "Truman Hails MacArthur Parley" with subhead. (see) First report coverage on the Wake Island Conference which was about the progress of the Korean War.
Complete with all 60+ pages, rag edition in very nice conditio... See More
1950 Battle of Pyongyang... Korean War...
Item #696984
October 19, 1950
THE NEW YORK TIMES, Oct. 19, 1950
* Battle of Pyongyang - North Corea
* Corean War - United Nations victory
The top of the front page has a four column headline: "U. N. TROOPS SMASH INTO PYONGYANG; KOREAN RED GOVERNMENT FLEES NORTH; TRUMAN SPEEDS KOREAN AID REQUESTS" with subheads. (see images) First report coverage continues on page 3 with related photo.
Complete with 64 pages, ... See More
Significance of the Battle of Chosen Reservoir: the Korean War continues...
Item #699503
November 28, 1950
NEW YORK POST--EXTRA, Nov. 28, 1950
* Battle of the Ch'ongch'on River
* Battle of Chosin Reservoir begins
* People's Republic of China enter
* Korean War
The entire front page is taken up with: "MacArthur Reports: NEW WAR" "U. S. Brands Red China Aggressor" with the report on pages 2 and 3.
This was the Battle of Chosen Reservoir from the early mont... See More
Pyongyang recaptured by North Korea...
Item #697018
December 04, 1950
* Pyongyang recaptured by Reds
* Korean War
The top of the front page has a five column headline: "UN TROOPS EVACUATING PYONGYANG AS MARINES FIGHT WAY OUT OF TRAP" with subhead. (see images)
Complete with 16 pages, light toning along the margins, minor spine wear, generally very nice.... See More
Korean War Era issue...
Item #207117
January 01, 1951
THE NEW YORK TIMES, 1951-52, from New York, New York . A complete and original issue from the heart of the Korean War, with front page news coverage of the war (war headlines). Each issue varies, but will be similar in look and condition to the one shown in the image, but actual dates will vary. If you need a specific date, please contact us for a price quote and availability.
Korean War Era issue...
Item #207494
January 01, 1951
The Korean War, 1950-1953, from various titles. A complete and original issue from the heart of the Korean War, with front page news coverage of the war (war headlines). Each issue varies, but will be similar in look and condition to the one shown in the image, but actual dates will vary. All issues are complete and in very good condition.
Very 1st coast to coast TV broadcast in 1951...
Item #711899
September 04, 1951
THE NEW YORK TIMES, Sept. 4, 1951
* Very first coast to coast TV broadcast
* President Harry S. Truman on television
* Japanese peace treat conference in S.F.
The top of the front page has a five column headline: "TRUMAN AT PARLEY OFFERS JAPAN LIMITED 'PARTNERSHIP OF PEACE'; FOE MASSES SATELLITES IN KOREA" various subheads that include: "TV Spans U.S. for First Time ... See More
The Korean War...
Item #565165
Lot of 25 complete issues, with various American titles, containing front page Korean War news and Headlines; mostly 1st rate. All issues are complete and are suitable for framing.
This item is not eligible for free shipping.
Willie Mays drafted by U.S. Army...
Item #701909
January 17, 1952
THE NEW YORK TIMES, Jan. 17, 1952
* Willie Mays "The Say Hey Kid"
* New York Giants baseball player
* Drafted by the United States Army (Korean War)
The top of page 33 has a seven column heading: "Mays of Giants Is Found Acceptable for Draft After Second Test" with subheads and photo of Mays taking the aptitude test. (see images)
Complete with 52 pages, light toning a... See More
The resecue of tankers SS Pendleton and SS Fort Mercer... U.S. Airment spot an UFO?...
Item #599950
February 19, 1952
THE DETROIT NEWS, Detroit, Michigan, February 19, 1952 The front page of this issue has a column-wide headline "33 Aboard Split Ship to Get Tow" with sub-head "Seamen to Stick to Tanker Stern" which relates to two tankers, the SS Pendleton and SS Fort Mercer, both were split in two in rough seas from storms. The Coast Guard were sent in to rescue them. Also included are t... See More
1952 Gen. Francis Dodd hostage release...
Item #687391
May 12, 1952
THE NEW YORK TIMES, May 12, 1952
* General Francis Dodd
* Korean War hostage release
* Geojedo Island, South Korea
The top of the front page has a three column photo with heading: "Released General Greeted On Arrival In Seoul" Also a one column heading: "NEWS ON GEN. DODD WITHHELD BY ARMY AS INQUIRY STARTS" with subheads. (see)
Complete with 44 pages, light toning at ... See More
Willie Mays joins the U.S. Army in 1952...
Item #702233
May 30, 1952
THE NEW YORK TIMES, May 30, 1952
* Willie Mays "The Say Hey Kid"
* New York Giants baseball player
* Joins the United States Army (Korean War)
Page 22 has a two column photo showing Willie Mays taking the oath with heading: "Willie Mays Being Inducted Into Army" with brief text. (see image) I suspect this to be an extremely rare item because their was really no reason ... See More
1st guilded missiles from a carrier...
Item #693248
September 18, 1952
THE DETROIT NEWS, Sept. 18, 1952
* USS Boxer aircraft carrier
* Grumman F6F Hellcats
* Radio controlled fighters
* Korean War
The front page has a nice banner headline: "NAVY ROBOTS BOMB REDS" with subheads and related photo. (see)
Complete with 68 pages, light toning and a little wear at the margins, small library stamp slightly affects the headline (see), generally nice.
... See More
Korean War death marches told...
Item #702235
April 22, 1953
THE NEW YORK TIMES, April 22, 1953
* North Korean War death marches
* POWs freed - tells of atrocities
The top of the front page has a one column heading: "FREED U.N. CAPTIVES TELL OF CRUELTIES ON 'DEATH MARCHES'" and subheads. (see)
Complete with 58 pages, light toning at the margins, nice condition.... See More
The Korean War is over...
Item #706681
July 27, 1953
DAILY RECORD, Boston, July 27, 1953
* Korean War ends (1st report)
* North and South Corea
Most of the front page is taken up with the historic report that the Korean War has ended: "KOREA WAR STOPS". The balance of the ftpg. is taken up with related text datelined from Panmunjom. Very displayable as such.
Tabloid-size, complete in 48 pages, a little margin wear, generally ... See More
Marilyn Monroe divorces DiMaggio...
Item #574593
October 27, 1954
THE RUSSELL DAILY NEWS, Russell, Kansas, October 27, 1954
* Marilyn Monroe
* Joe DiMaggio
* Divorce
This 8 page newspaper has a two column headline near the bottom of the front page: "Free Marilyn Says Joe Treated Her 'Coldly'" which tells of the divorce between Marilyn Monroe and Joe DiMaggio. See photos for complete text.
Other news and advertisements of the day thro... See More
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