Battle of Manassas
Browse the authentic original newspapers we have for sale featuring coverage of the historic Battle of Manassas.Battle of Manassas
Browse the authentic original newspapers we have for sale featuring coverage of the historic Battle of Manassas.
Unique "Yankee" & "Confederate" pair of the same date...
Item #696643
July 22, 1861
Here is a unique opportunity for a pair of issues--one Yankee and the other Confederate--of the identical date of July 22, 1861 both reporting on the First Battle of Bull Run, one from the New York Tribune and the other from the Confederate capital of Richmond, titled the Daily Dispatch, providing a perspective of how the news was reported with all the "spin" & biases that ... See More
Much on the Civil War... Civil War map of Acquia Creek...
Item #695307
June 01, 1861
NEW YORK TRIBUNE, June 1, 1861
* Battle of Aquia Creek Civil War map
* Union Navy gunboats vs. Confederate batteries
* One of the first battles of the war
The format of this title at this time was advertisements on the front page with the wealth of Civil War reporting on inside pages.
The back page includes a Civil War map headed: "Acquia Creek and Its Environs" wit... See More
Bull Run and much more...
Item #691131
September 01, 1862
CINCINNATI DAILY GAZETTE, Ohio, Sept. 1, 1862 Among the front page column heads on the Civil War: "Important Army News" "The rebel Occupation of Manassas Junction" "McClellan Demanding that the Defenses of Washington Be Put in Good Order" "Exodus of Contrabands [slaves]" "Alarm In Washington" "How McClellan Gets the Command" "O... See More
Advancing upon the Battle of Bull Run...
Item #689844
July 20, 1861
NEW YORK TIMES, July 20, 1861
* First Battle of Bull Run beginning - Manassas
* 1st major battle of the American Civil War
Close to half of the first column is taken up with a stack of headlines including: "THE ADVANCE" "Movements of the National Army" "Skirmishing at Bull's Run" "8000 Troops Engaged" "The Rebels Retire from their Posit... See More
Follow-up to the Second Battle of Bull Run...
Item #688664
September 06, 1862
NEW YORK TIMES, Sept. 6, 1862
* Second Battle of Bull Run # 2
* Manassas, Virginia
* Confederate victory
Most of the front page is taken up with follow-up reports on the Second Battle of Bull Run (Manassas). Front page column heads include: "THE WAR IN VIRGINIA" "Gen. McClellan's Orders on Assuming His Command" "Latest Reports of Rebel Movements&
... See More
* Second Battle of Bull Run # 2
* Manassas, Virginia
* Confederate victory
Most of the front page is taken up with follow-up reports on the Second Battle of Bull Run (Manassas). Front page column heads include: "THE WAR IN VIRGINIA" "Gen. McClellan's Orders on Assuming His Command" "Latest Reports of Rebel Movements&
Terrific reporting on the Battle of Bull Run...
Item #688168
July 23, 1861
NEW YORK TRIBUNE, July 23, 1861
* Battle of Bull Run # 1
* Manassas VA Virginia
* 1st major battle of the Civil War
* Confederate victory
Page 4 has some nice column heads on the battle of Bull Run, the first major battle of the Civil War, including: "THE GREAT BATTLE" "Incidents of Heroism" "The Battle Decisively Won" "The Enemy Attempt to Pursue... See More
Fall of Fort Donelson: breaking news... End of the Provisional Southern Confederacy... States join the Confederacy...
Item #688132
February 18, 1862
DAILY RICHMOND EXAMINER, Virginia, Feb. 18, 1862
* Fall of Fort Donelson: breaking news...
* End of the Provisional Southern Confederacy
* State join the Confederacy
Half of the front page is taken up with ads and notices, and half with news items including: "The Northern Congress--Amusing Picture of The War--A Yankee Congressman at Bull Run" and other items. But the most s... See More
Includes a print of the ironclad Merrimac...
Item #688058
March 13, 1862
* The Monitor vs. the Merrimack
* Battle of Hampton Roads, Virginia
* Civil War map & print
Page 5 has a report with heads: "The Engagement in Hampton Roads" "The Rebel Official Report' "The Merrimac Badly Damaged" "Her Prow Shot Away" with the entire detailed report taking over a full column.
Plus, t... See More
Great coverage of Bull Run, or Manassas, in a Confederate title...
Item #682525
July 24, 1861
DAILY DISPATCH, Richmond, Virginia, July 24, 1861
* First Battle of Bull Run
* Manassas VA Virginia
* Great publication to have
Not only a newspaper from the Confederate states, but from the capital of the Confederacy. Given the date, it is not surprising that the content on pages 2 & 3 contain much on the historic Battle of Bull Run, the first major conflict of the Civil War. Th... See More
Battle map of Wapping Heights, Virginia...
Item #681772
August 01, 1863
NEW YORK HERALD, Aug. 1, 1863
* Battle of Manassas Gap - Wapping Heights
The front page features a Civil War map headed: "The Fight At Wapping Heights. Locality of the Brilliant Union Charges by which the Heights Were Carried."
Among the front page column heads on the Civil War are: "The Battle of Wapping Heights" "Operations of Buford's Cavalry...&... See More
Stonewall Jackson resigned his command?
Item #680676
February 08, 1862
DAILY COLUMBUS ENQUIRER, Georgia, Feb. 8, 1862
* Very rare Confederate title
* General Stonewall Jackson
Certainly one of the less common Confederate titles from the Civil War. Columbus is in Southwest Georgia on the Alabama border very near Montgomery.
Among the various reports inside is an interesting one: "The Richmond Whig is pained to hear that Gen. Jackson ('Stone Wall... See More
Bull Run... "The Surrey Eleven" cricket team...
Item #670731
August 31, 1861
ILLUSTRATED LONDON NEWS, England, August 31, 1861
* The Surrey eleven cricket team portrait
* Battle of Bull Run - Manassas (in America)
Inside has: "The Surrey Eleven" with a full page portrait of the cricket team.
Another full-page print has: "The Civil War In America: Engagement Between The 71st New York And An Alabama Regiment At The Battle Of Bull Run".
Othe... See More
From the capital of the Confederacy...
Item #652068
August 21, 1861
DAILY DISPATCH, Richmond, Virginia, Aug. 21, 1861
* From the Confederate capital
A nice newspaper from the capital of the Confederacy. Much of the front page is taken up with: "Finances Of Confederate Government" taking over 2 1/2 columns. Also on the ftpg: "The Call for Militia", "Hessian Deviltry at Harper's Ferry, Va." and "A Call Upon the Ladi... See More
Beauregard's official report on the Battle of Manassas... in a Confederate newspaper...
Item #646929
February 04, 1862
THE DAILY EXPRESS, Petersburg, Virginia, February 4, 1862
* P.G.T. Beauregard official report
* Battle of Bull Run - Manassas
Certainly one of the less common titles from the Confederacy. Most of the front page is taken up with: "The War--Its Movements! Official Report of Gen. Beauregard Of The Battle of Manassas" which has tremendous detail. At the end it notes: "To be... See More
Much on the battle in Kentucky...
Item #646428
February 04, 1862
DAILY RICHMOND EXAMINER, Virginia, Feb. 4, 1862
* Battle of Mill Springs, Kentucky
* In a Confederate title
Not only a newspaper from the Confederate States, but from the capital of the Confederacy. Among the front page items are: "The Coin Of The Confederate States" "A Virginia Mother's Appeal To the Soldiers" which is stirring (see images). Also much reportin... See More
The cavalry in action...
Item #616145
October 20, 1863
NEW YORK TRIBUNE, Oct. 20, 1863 Among the front page column heads on the Civil War are: "Cavalry Engagement Near Manassas Junction" "Spirited Artillery Duel" "No Rebel Infantry Near Our Army" "Gen. Lee's Movements Unknown" "Official Report of Gen. Crook" "Rebel Accounts of the Late Battles" "Military Enthusiasm In Texas&quo... See More
First Battle of Bull Run...
Item #599232
July 24, 1861
THE NEW YORK TIMES, July 24, 1861
* 1st Battle of Bull Run - Manassas, Virginia
* 1st major land battle of the Civil War (historic)
Most of the front page is taken up with excellent coverage and detail on the Battle of Bull Run with first column heads including: "THE GREAT REBELLION", "The Victory of Sunday & How it Was Lost", "Exaggerations of the First R... See More
Two small maps on the Second Battle of Bull Run...
Item #596846
September 04, 1862
NEW YORK TRIBUNE, September 4, 1862
* Battle of Bull Run # 2
* Manassas VA Virginia
Near the lower right of the front page are two small one column wide Civil War maps showing the position of various troops at the 2nd battle of Bull Run (see). The balance of the front page is taken up with tremendous details of the battle with first column heads including: "THE WAR IN VIRGINIA&q... See More
Prelude to the Battle of Bull Run...
Item #592014
July 17, 1861
THE NEW YORK TIMES, July 17, 1861
* Battle of Bull Run nears
* General Irvin McDowell movements
* Battle of Rich Mountain
The front page has great coverage on the days just before the historic Battle of Bull Run, with first column heads: "THE GREAT REBELLION" Advance of the Grand Army under Gen. McDowell", "The Rebels at Fairfax & Manassas t... See More
1861 Civil War...
Item #588476
August 30, 1861
NEW YORK TIMES, Aug. 30, 1861 Among the first column heads on the Civil War are: "The Rebellion Record" "The Department Being Purified of Traitors" "Rebel Post-Routes Cut Off" "Further Details of the Skirmishes in Virginia" "Affairs In Missouri" "News From the Rebels at Manassas" "They are Sick & Badly Supplied, but Eager f... See More
Detailed report on the Battle of Bull Run, or Manassas...
Item #587782
August 09, 1861
LOUISVILLE DAILY COURIER, Louisville, Kentucky, Aug. 9, 1861
* First Battle of Bull Run - Manassas VA Virginia
* Detailed report in a uncommon title
Louisville is difficult to categorize as Union or Confederate during the Civil War as, depending on the time, there were factions within the city supporting both. To placate both sides the two leading newspapers took their stands: the &qu... See More
Battle of Bull Run...
Item #567078
August 01, 1861
THE CIRCULAR, Oneida, New York, August 1, 1861 This issue contains an article titled: "National Affairs " The Defeat" which shows reports on the famous Battle of Bull Run in Manassas VA. A tabloid size newspaper from the famous Oneida Community in New York, an early "commune" in experimental living. Various religiously-themed content but a bit of reporting of news of th
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Dedication ceremones at the Bull Run battlefield...
Item #557306
June 13, 1865
NEW YORK HERALD, June 13, 1865 Front page first column heads include: "Bull Run" "The Final Victory on the First Battle Field of the Rebellion" "The Dead Heroes of Manassas" "Interesting Ceremonies of Dedicating the Monuments Marking the Resting Place of Our Braves" "The Herald's Special Report of the Proceedings" "The Rush From Wash... See More
Oil Fire at Antwerp...
Item #177269
September 24, 1904
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, September 24, 1904
Racing at Saratoga...
Item #177266
September 03, 1904
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, September 3, 1904
Death of President VanBuren... Many Civil War prints...
Item #172596
August 09, 1862
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, August 9, 1862 The entire front page is a print captioned: "The Late Martin Van Buren, Ex-President of the United States" who had died on July 24. An article on him appears inside.
Inside contains a nearly half page: "Charge of the Fifth Cavalry at the Battle of Friday, June 27" and half pg: "Kearney's Division Fighting in the Wood... See More
Second Battle of Bull Run...
Item #172606
September 13, 1862
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, September 13, 1862 The front page is taken up with a nearly full-figure print of "Major-General John Pope, Commanding the Army of Virginia" along with a biography of him.
Inside includes a full page with 2 prints of: "Manassas Junction...Scene of Several Recent Fights" which is the Second Battle of Bull Run; a full page with 3 prints of: &q... See More
A stampede of slaves...
Item #172494
August 17, 1861
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, Aug. 17, 1861 The front page shows: "The Wounded Zouave In the Hospital at Washington--The Hospital for the Wounded at Washington." Inside has individual prints of: "General McDowell" "General Mansfield" "Colonel Blair" and "Flag-Officer Stringham". Also a full page of: "A New Regiment of Mass. Volunteers P... See More
The Battle of Gettysburg and much more...
Item #172704
August 22, 1863
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, August 22, 1863 The front page has prints of: "Residence of John Burns, At Gettysburg, Pennsylvania" and "John Burns, the Only Man in Gettysburg, Pa., Who Fought at the Battle".
A full page with 8 prints show: "Views of the Gettysburg Battle Field"; another full page has: "General View of Gettysburg, From the West" and &... See More
The Civil War in Florida...
Item #172526
December 07, 1861
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, December 7, 1861 The full front page has 2 prints of a: "View of Fort Warren Boston Harbor". Other prints inside include: "The Battle of Belmont--Charge of Colonel Dougherty, 22nd Illinois Regiment, Upon the Rebel Batteries" "The Battle at the Southwest Pass--The ram 'Manassas' Attacking the 'Richmond' " "...Re... See More
Great slave auction print... Winslow Homer print...
Item #172484
July 13, 1861
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, July 13, 1861 The front page features: "Battle of Boonville, Missouri" and smaller illustrations of: "Brigadier-General Lyon, U.S.A." and "The late Captain Ward".
Inside prints include a full page: "The Cabinet at Washington" showing Abraham Lincoln and the others. Also featured is a full page Winslow Homer print: "Crew o... See More
Many prints on the battle of Bull Run...
Item #172492
August 10, 1861
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, Aug. 10, 1861 The front page includes a print of "Sir Edward Bulwer Lytton". Inside has a full page: "Retreat of Our Troops from Bull Run, by Moonlight, Colonel Blenker's Brigade Covering" and a very dramatic full page: "Charge of the Black Horse Cavalry Upon the Fire Zouaves at the Battle of Bull Run"; a full page map: &... See More
Battle of Pea Ridge, and much more...
Item #172558
March 29, 1862
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, March 29, 1862 The full front page shows: "A Thrilling Scene in East Tennessee --Colonel Fry and the Union Men Swearing by the Flag". Other prints inside include a dramatic fullpg: "The Battle of Pea Ridge, Arkansas--the Final Advance of Our Troops" and "Columbus, Kentucky, After the Rebel Evacuation" and "Fort Clinch, Fernand... See More
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