Battle of Shiloh
Browse the authentic original newspapers we have for sale featuring coverage of the historic Battle of Shiloh.Battle of Shiloh
Browse the authentic original newspapers we have for sale featuring coverage of the historic Battle of Shiloh.
Columbus, Kentucky & .... Pittsburg Landing...
Item #594991
March 04, 1862
THE PHILADELPHIA INQUIRER, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, March 4, 1862
* Columbus, Kentucky
* Pittsburg Landing - Tennessee
* M. Jeff Thompson - Missouri
This genuine newspaper has a wealth of Civil War reporting from during Abraham Lincoln's administration. Among the one column, front page headlines on the Civil War are: "The Burning Of Columbus" "Major-Generals Conf... See More
1862 Columbus, Kentucky...
Item #219229
March 08, 1862
THE NEW YORK TIMES from New York, NY and dated March 8, 1862.
* Columbus, Kentucky
* Pittsburg Landing, Tennessee
This 8 page newspaper is in nice condition due to the use of cotton and rag paper during this very historic time in U.S. history. This issue is loaded with advertisements and Civil War reports throughout from the day it was first reported which includes the following head
... See More
* Columbus, Kentucky
* Pittsburg Landing, Tennessee
This 8 page newspaper is in nice condition due to the use of cotton and rag paper during this very historic time in U.S. history. This issue is loaded with advertisements and Civil War reports throughout from the day it was first reported which includes the following head
Battle of Shiloh... A Confederate report...
Item #702871
April 09, 1862
DAILY DISPATCH, Richmond, Virginia, April 9, 1862
* Reporting on the Battle of Shiloh
* From the capital of the Confederacy
Page 3 begins with a very historic report headed: "The Great Victory In Tennessee" which reports on the Battle of Shiloh (or Pittsburg Landing) which begins: "Since the issue of our paper yesterday morning, we have received few additional particul... See More
A Jefferson Davis Proclamation... Beauregard... Shiloh...
Item #666668
April 11, 1862
DAILY RICHMOND EXAMINER, Virginia, April 11, 1862
* From the capital of the Confederacy
The front page is completely filled with ads while much of pages 2 & 3 have war-related reports. Included is the always interesting editorial, which begins: "From every quarter comes the same news. The enemy are drawing their troops from the counties they have overrun...They are concentrati... See More
Battle of Shiloh with a Proclamation by Lincoln...
Item #688030
April 11, 1862
NEW YORK HERALD, April 11, 1862
* Battle of Shiloh - Pittsburg Landing, Tennessee
* President Abraham Lincoln proclamation of thanks
Nice coverage of the Battle of Shiloh and more.
Among front page column heads: "THE GREAT VICTORIES" "Important Details of the Battle at Pittsburg, Tenn." "Heroic Conduct of the Troops engaged in the Conflict" "Graphic... See More
The Battle of Shiloh...
Item #684471
April 14, 1862
DAILY RICHMOND EXAMINER, Virginia, April 14, 1862 The entire front page is taken up with advertisements while most of page 2 is taken up with various Civil War reports.
Included is the always-interesting editorial, which begins: "The plot of this great tragedy is thickening: the threads draw to their know...General McClellan told his troops that he & they should enter Richmon... See More
Battle of Shiloh... Capture of Island No. 10, with a map...
Item #691150
April 15, 1862
NEW YORK HERALD, April 15, 1862
* Battle of Shiloh - Pittsburg Landing
* Battle of Island Number Ten - Tennessee
The front page is dominated by a large & very detailed Civil War map headed: "THE IMPORTANT OPERATIONS ON THE MISSISSIPPI. Appearance of Island No. 10---The Gunboats, Transports, Land Batteries, etc. at the Time of the Surrender."
Also, the last column has a... See More
Beauregard's congratulations on Shiloh... Fort Jackson... Pulaski...
Item #687577
April 24, 1862
CHARLESTON DAILY COURIER, South Carolina, April 24, 1862
* Battle of Shiloh - Pittsburg Landing - Beauregard's praise
* Fort Jackson... Fall of Pulaski...
* Rare Confederate title from the war origin
This was one of only a few newspapers which printed: "Confederate States of America" in the dateline (see images).
Perhaps the best items is: "Gen. Beauregard's A... See More
Battle of Shiloh, or Pittsburg Landing...
Item #172566
April 26, 1862
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, April 26, 1862 The full front page is a print of: "Major-General Halleck in the Field, April, 1862". Inside prints include a full page: "Big Bethel & Its Fortifications Occupied by Our Troops..." and a full page: "The First Day's Fighting At Yorktown..."; one-third page with 2 view of: "The Stevens Iron Steam Gunboat &... See More
Capture of New Orleans "conceded"...
Item #699999
April 29, 1862
* Capture of New Orleans, Louisiana
* Full use of the Mississippi River
* Battle of Shiloh - Pittsburg Landing
Front page heads in the third column: "M. Mercier's Visit To Richmond!" "No Communication with Rebel Officials!" "He met them as Private Citizens!" "CAPTURE OF NEW ORLEANS CONCEDED!" "G... See More
Fall of New Orleans confirmed... Battle of Shiloh...
Item #677495
May 01, 1862
* Fall of New Orleans, Louisiana
* Battle of Shiloh - Pittsburg Landing
* American Civil War
Front page one column headlines include: "Our Fleet Before The City" "The Troops Not Yet Landed" "All The Rebel Gunboats Burnt" "A Famine At Norfolk" "Death Of Mr. Lincoln's Brother-In-Law" "The War For ... See More
Thanks from Beauregard after the Battle of Shiloh... The fall of New Orleans...
Item #705332
May 02, 1862
WESTERN SENTINEL, Winston, North Carolina, May 2, 1862
* Battle of Shiloh
* P.G.T. Beauregard
* Fall of New Orleans
This is a very rare title from the Confederacy. According to Brigham only four institutions in the United States have any holdings of this title from the Civil War, most just a few scattered issues. The American Antiquarian Society has no issues recorded from this era.
The f... See More
Heroes of Shiloh... The Merrimac... Homer prints...
Item #172568
May 03, 1862
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, May 3, 1862 The full front page is taken up with 11 photos of: "The Heroes Of The Battle of Pittsburg Landing." showing U.S. Grant and Buell among others. Inside has a full page with 3 prints: "General Buell's Army Crossing Duck River, at Columbia, Tennessee, to Reinforce General Grant" and a full page with 7 prints of: "The Second Trip o... See More
Beauregard's lengthy report on Shiloh...
Item #698273
May 10, 1862
DAILY DISPATCH, Richmond, Virginia, May 10, 1862
* Battle of Shiloh - Pittsburg Landing
* General P. G. T. Beauregard's official rpt.
* From the capital of the Confederacy
The front page has much on: "YORKTOWN" "Our Former Position & Strength There--The State of our Whole Line--Daily Picket Fights--Brilliant Affair at Dam No. 2--Vast Preparations & Expectat... See More
Civil War related print on the front page... Battle of Shiloh...
Item #687253
September 27, 1862
THE SATURDAY EVENING POST, Philadelphia, Sept. 27, 1862 A desired yet rather scarce title from during the Civil War, as the front page typically featured a war-related print.
This issue has on the ftpg: "Hoosiers Pouring Into Cincinnati to Enlist For the Defence of That City". Nice war reporting inside including: "The Great Battle of Sharpsburg" (Shiloh) which takes over... See More
Army of the Potomac...
Item #596630
October 18, 1862
NEW YORK TRIBUNE, Oct. 18, 1862 Among the front page one column heads on the Civil War are: "From the Army Of The Potomac" "A Battle Imminent" "Advance of More Troops Over the River" "Indications that the Rebels Intend to Fight" "Reminiscences of the Battle of Shiloh" "Serenade to Brig-Gen. Prentiss" "Account of His Captivity&q... See More
The Battle of Chickamauga...
Item #172724
October 31, 1863
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, October 31, 1863 The front page is taken up with two prints: "The Army Of The Cumberland--Destruction of United States Wagons by Rebel Cavalry..." and "The Army of the Cumberland--Rebel Attack Upon Wagons in Anderson's Gap". Inside has a full page: 'The Army of the Cumberland--Charge of the First Wisconsin and Second Indiana Cavalry ... See More
This magazine is not recorded in "History of American Magazines"...
Item #678703
March 01, 1865
THE SOLDIER'S CASKET, Philadelphia, March, 1865
* Very rare title
This is the volume 1, number 3 issue of a title which lasted but 12 issues, January thru December, 1865. There is no record of it in Mott's "History of American Magazines" and nor can I find information on the internet. It is recorded in "Union List of Serials" which notes that it is held by 8... See More
The "Bloody Benders"... Burial of Captain Hall...
Item #173728
June 07, 1873
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, June 7, 1873 (supplement not included - see note below)
The front page features a full page illustration: 'The Burial of Captain Hall' with an accompanying article and a map illustration of 'The North Polar Region' of his expedition. Nice full page with 3 illustrations on: 'The Bender Murders Near Cherryvale, Kansas'. Three illustrations on: ... See More
Nice Frederic Remington centerfold...
Item #175494
April 26, 1890
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, Apr. 26, 1890 Full ftpg. shows: 'Stanley On the March' in Africa. Fullpg. with 6 'Scenes & Incidents of the Mississippi Floods'. Famous F. Remington doublepage centerfold: 'Prospectors in the Sierra Madre'. Fullpg: 'Cheap Clothing--the Slaves of the Sweaters' showing laborers in the New York clothing district.
Santa Fe, New Mexico...
Item #175910
April 21, 1894
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, April 21, 1894 One-third pg: 'Auction Sale of a Cargo of Bananas from Bermuda'. Fullpg. with 6 scenes of: 'The Revival of Dutch Architecture in N.Y.' Text & illus. of 'The Congressional Library'. Fullpg. with 8 photos of the 'Reunion of Union & Confederate Veterans on the Battlefield of Shiloh' & fullpg: 'Officers... See More
1902 Shiloh Baptist Church stampede...
Item #679099
September 20, 1902
THE EVENING TRIBUNE, San Diego, September 20, 1902
* Shiloh Baptist Church stampede
* Birmingham, Alabama black church
* Booker T. Washington was present
The top of the front page has a three column headline: "PATHETIC SCENES AT UNDERTAKERS" with subhead. (see) Surprisingly this issue is in good condition being from the "wood pulp" era. Very hard to find issues that are... See More
King and Crown Prince of Portugal murdered...
Item #177483
February 15, 1908
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, February 15, 1908
Political cartoon by E.W. Kemble...
Item #177656
May 11, 1912
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, May 11, 1912 (does not include Part II - see note below) Included are the following illustrations and photos: "The Representative American Citizen?" and "IN 1912", both by Kemble. Also a fullpg. with 6 photos relating to the recovery of bodies from the Titanic; a halfpg. photo of a lifeboat drill recently ordered for all trans-Atlantic ships... See More
House of David cult commune... Benjamin Purnell...
Item #701827
January 29, 1924
* The Israelite House of David religious commune
* King & Queen Benjamin and Mary Purnell
* Benton Harbor, Michigan cult
The top of the front page has a one column heading: "SHILOH 'QUEEN' JUST A MOTHER" with subheads. (see images) I suspect this to be an extremely rare item because their was really no reason to save it at the ti... See More
The Albany Movement... Georgia civil rights...
Item #704537
October 04, 1962
THE VILLAGE VOICE (weekly), Greenwich Village, New York, Oct. 4, 1962
* The Albany Movement - Georgia
* Shiloh Baptist Church gathering
* Negroes - civil rights movement
* Martin Luther King Jr. speech
The front page has a heading: "In Albany Jails" with lead-in: "The Press of Freedom" and related photo. (see images) Lengthy text continues on multiple inside pages.
s... See More
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