February 22, 1862

On February 22, 1862, the following issues were all held... and read... by those living during the American Civil War.  Feelings of fear, sorrow, and uncertainty were prevalent as readers searched for news which would provide a glimmer of hope that loved ones would be safe, the greater good would prevail, and soon all would be well.  Experience a glimpse of their world as you browse through the selections shown below. Note: Many of the items shown are no longer available.  Prices are shown for those which are available.

February 22, 1862

On February 22, 1862, the following issues were all held... and read... by those living during the American Civil War.  Feelings of fear, sorrow, and uncertainty were prevalent as readers searched for news which would provide a glimmer of hope that loved ones would be safe, the greater good would prevail, and soon all would be well.  Experience a glimpse of their world as you browse through the selections shown below. Note: Many of the items shown are no longer available.  Prices are shown for those which are available.
Web Results (7)



Jefferson Davis to be inaugurated... End of the provisional Confederacy... Fall of Fort Donelson...

Item #570734

February 22, 1862

DAILY RICHMOND EXAMINER, Virginia, Feb. 22, 1862

* Jefferson Davis to be inaugurated

* End of the provisional Confederacy

* Fall of Fort Donelson

* Rare Confederate title

Not only a very nice Confederate newspaper, but one from the capital of the Confederacy, allowing this title to report the latest news as received from the field.

The front page has a report of the very significant; &qu... See More  

No Longer Available


1862 Fort Donelson...

Item #568668

February 22, 1862

THE NEW YORK TIMES, New York, February 22, 1862. This 8 page newspaper is in good condition due to the use of cotton and rag paper during this very historic time in U.S. history. This issue is loaded with advertisements and Civil War reports throughout from the day it was first reported which includes the following FRONT PAGE Map: "THE FORT DONELSON FORTIFICATIONS". Also includes the fol... See More  

No Longer Available


Very displayable Civil War newspaper...

Item #212441

February 22, 1862

THE PHILADELPHIA INQUIRER, Feb. 22, 1862 The front page features a quite large map headed: "THE DESTROYED BRIDGES IN ALABAMA--Map of the Locality--The Principal Communication of the Southwest with their Rebel Capital Cut off--Nashville Completely Isolated--The Loyal Alabamians Rising in Defence of the Union, etc." and in addition the front page also has a nice print of "Commodore David D. Porter" ... See More  

No Longer Available


Fort Henry, Tennessee...

Item #172548

February 22, 1862

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, February 22, 1862  The front page has: "Gun-deck of One of the Mississippi Gunboats engaged in the Attack on Fort Henry" and a print of: "Commodore Foote, U.S.N." as well as a related article.

Inside page prints including a fullpg. with portraits of: "Lord Lyons, the British Minister to Washington" "M. Mercier, The French Mini... See More  

Available Now


Second rate also available for:

Item #559056

February 22, 1862

NEW YORK DAILY TRIBUNE, New York City, February 22, 1862.

* Fort Donelson Tennessee

* Clarksville TN

This Genuine newspaper has a Wealth of Civil War reporting from during Abraham Lincoln's administration.

The back page has a map titled:


Among the one column headlines on the Civil War are:


* Movements of the Manass
... See More  

No Longer Available



Item #544706

February 22, 1862

WILKES' SPIRIT OF THE TIMES, New York, NY, February 22, 1862.

* Billiards

* Chess

This newspaper, which was primarily a sporting newspaper, has a quite lengthy article headed: "Billiards".  Accompanying subheads include:  "Kavanagh and Deery", "Billiard Entertainment", and much more.

Another article found within this issue and entitled: "O... See More  

Available Now


Clarksville Tennessee 1862 Civil War...

Item #541227

February 22, 1862

BOSTON EVENING TRANSCRIPT, Boston, Massachusetts, February 22, 1862

* Clarksville Tennessee

* Bentonville Arkansas

This 4 page newspaper is in nice condition due to the use of cotton and rag paper during this very historic time in U.S. history.

This issue is loaded with advertisements and Civil War reports throughout from the day it was first reported SEE PHOTOS. Much more.... See More  

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