Daniel Mendoza
All of the following issues have content related to Daniel Mendoza. In most cases, if duplicate issues appear for the same date, the item with the highest item # will have the most up-to-date information. Enjoy this exploration of this notable figure: "Daniel Mendoza via Rare & Early Newspapers."Daniel Mendoza
All of the following issues have content related to Daniel Mendoza. In most cases, if duplicate issues appear for the same date, the item with the highest item # will have the most up-to-date information. Enjoy this exploration of this notable figure: <strong>"Daniel Mendoza via Rare & Early Newspapers."</strong>
Daniel Mendoza, the famous Jewish boxer... Early on Australia...
Item #673303
April 18, 1787
THE MORNING POST & DAILY ADVERTISER, London, April 18, 1787 The top of page 2 has an article: "Boxing" noting in part: "...anticipating the laurels of Martin, the hitherto famous Bath Butcher; but the fates determined otherwise; to Mendoza conquest was decreed to the no small gratification of his sable-visaged brethren. Previous to the combat six to one were offered ... See More
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Early on Daniel Mendoza, the famous Jewish boxer...
Item #583103
July 10, 1787
PENNSYLVANIA PACKET, Philadelphia, July 10, 1787 At the time of this printing the Constitutional Convention was in session in Philadelphia. Page 2 has a significant & early report on Daniel Mendoza the Jewish boxer. Mendoza was so popular that the London press reported news of one of his bouts ahead of the storming of the Bastille which marked the start of the French Revolution. He trans... See More
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Jewish boxer Daniel Mendoza...
Item #599702
December 06, 1787
* Jewish - Jews - Judaica
Page 3 has a nice report on Jewish boxer Daniel Mendoza. The report is headed: "Boxing" and begins: "Humphries and Mendoza met yesterday evening, by agreement...for the purpose of settling the conditions of their intended battle..." and what follows are the various details of the... See More
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Famed Jewish boxer Daniel Mendoza, and his punishing blow...
Item #700933
December 15, 1787
THE MORNING POST & DAILY ADVERTISER, London, Dec. 15, 1787 Page 3 has some reporting headed: "Boxing" beginning with: "The friends of Mendoza say that if he can find an opportunity of giving his adversary his favorite blow, which he has lately been practicing with great perseverance, the contest will be decided in his favor..." and more.
Daniel Mendoza was a famou
... See More
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1787 Daniel Mendoza... Jewish boxing...
Item #591842
December 21, 1787
THE MORNING POST & DAILY ADVERTISER, London, December 21, 1787
* Daniel Mendoza - Jewish boxer
Page 3 has a curious item headed: "Intelligence Extraordinary" which begins: "As the noble science of BOXING now is revived so as to afford entertainment to Ladies and Gentlemen...it has been proposed to hire or build a theatre for this purpose..." with much more... See More
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Daniel Mendoza, the Jewish boxing champion...
Item #614727
December 31, 1787
* Jewish - Jews - Judaica
Page 3 has two brief Judaica-related items (see). The top of pg. 2 has: "Boxing" noting: "It is now settled, that Dunn is to be Mendoza's second instead of Ryan..." with more, including: "...If Humphreys beats Mendoza, he, like Johnson, retires from the stage to priva... See More
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The Mendoza and Humphreys boxing match...
Item #604636
January 10, 1788
THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, Jan. 10, 1788
* Jewish - Jews - Judaica
The back page has most of a column taken up with: "Humphreys and Mendoza" beginning: "So high was the public anxiety on the issue of the bruising match which was decided yesterday that neither the distance...nor the...weather could prevent a very large body of people from assembling at the scene... See More
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The Mendoza and Humphreys boxing match...
Item #607586
January 10, 1788
THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, Jan. 10, 1788
* Daniel Mendoza - The fighting Jew
* Richard Humphries - 1st of 3 fights
The back page has most of a column taken up with: "Humphreys and Mendoza" beginning: "So high was the public anxiety on the issue of the bruising match which was decided yesterday that neither the distance...nor the...weather could prevent a very large ... See More
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The first of the 3 historic Mendoza-Humphries boxing matches...
Item #606788
January 12, 1788
THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, Jan. 12, 1788
* Daniel Mendoza - The fighting Jew
* Richard Humphries - 1st of 3 fights
Nearly half of page 7 is taken up with: "Further Particulars Relative to the Fight between Humphries and Mendoza". Daniel Mendoza was a famous Jewish boxer who transformed the English stereotype of a Jew from a weak, defenseless person into someone deserving... See More
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The first of the 3 historic Mendoza-Humphries boxing matches...
Item #607587
January 12, 1788
THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, Jan. 12, 1788 Nearly half of page 7 is taken up with: "Further Particulars Relative to the Fight between Humphries and Mendoza". Daniel Mendoza was a famous Jewish boxer who transformed the English stereotype of a Jew from a weak, defenseless person into someone deserving of respect. He is said to have been the first Jew to talk to the King, George II... See More
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Daniel Mendoza on his famous boxing match against Humphries...
Item #655103
January 19, 1788
THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, Jan. 19, 1788
* Daniel Mendoza - The fighting Jew
* Richard Humphries - 1st of 3 fights
Page 3 has a full column which includes: "Mendoza's Letter in Vindication of his Behaviour at the late Contest Between Him and Humphries" signed in type: Daniel Mendoza. Mendoza was a famous Jewish boxer who transformed the English stereotype of a Jew fr... See More
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Daniel Mendoza on his famous boxing match against Humphries...
Item #607588
January 19, 1788
THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, Jan. 19, 1788
* Daniel Mendoza - The fighting Jew
* Richard Humphries - 1st of 3 fights
Page 3 has a full column which includes: "Mendoza's Letter in Vindication of his Behaviour at the late Contest Between Him and Humphries" signed in type: Daniel Mendoza. Mendoza was a famous Jewish boxer who transformed the English stereotype of a Jew fr... See More
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Daniel Mendoza on his famous boxing match against Humphries...
Item #602819
January 19, 1788
THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, Jan. 19, 1788 Page 3 has a full column which includes: "Mendoza's Letter in Vindication of his Behaviour at the late Contest Between Him and Humphries" signed in type: Daniel Mendoza. Mendoza was a famous Jewish boxer who transformed the English stereotype of a Jew from a weak, defenseless person into someone deserving of respect. He is said to ha... See More
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Daniel Mendoza the famous Jewish boxer...
Item #655105
January 22, 1788
THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, Jan. 22, 1788
* Daniel Mendoza - The fighting Jew
* Richard Humphries - 1st of 3 fight
Inside has most of a column taken up with: "Mendoza's Answer to Humphries' Challenge" signed in type: Daniel Mendoza. Mendoza was a famous Jewish boxer who transformed the English stereotype of a Jew from a weak, defenseless person into someone deserv... See More
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Daniel Mendoza the famous Jewish boxer...
Item #656856
January 22, 1788
THE MORNING POST & DAILY ADVERTISER, London, Sept. 25, 1790 The back page has a report headed: "Boxing" which notes in part: "On the fight which to take place...during the ensuing...week between Humphries and Mendoza, betts to a very considerable amount are laid. The odds are much in favour of Mendoza. Odds are also laid that they do not fight at the place or time appointe... See More
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Daniel Mendoza the famous Jewish boxer...
Item #607589
January 22, 1788
THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, Jan. 22, 1788
* Jewish - Jews - Judaica
Inside has most of a column taken up with: "Mendoza's Answer to Humphries' Challenge" signed in type: Daniel Mendoza. Mendoza was a famous Jewish boxer who transformed the English stereotype of a Jew from a weak, defenseless person into someone deserving of respect. He is said to have been the firs... See More
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Daniel Mendoza the famous Jewish boxer...
Item #598837
January 22, 1788
THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, Jan. 22, 1788
* 18th century boxing
* Jewish - Judaica
Inside has most of a column taken up with: "Mendoza's Answer to Humphries' Challenge" signed in type: Daniel Mendoza. Mendoza was a famous Jewish boxer who transformed the English stereotype of a Jew from a weak, defenseless person into someone deserving of respect. He is said to ha... See More
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Daniel Mendoza, the Jewish boxing champion...
Item #654487
January 24, 1788
THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, Jan. 24, 1788
* Daniel Mendoza - The fighting Jew
* Richard Humphries - 1st of 3 fights
Inside has a nearly column-long article headed: "Humphries Reply to Mendoza" which is one of several letters between these two boxing rivals, which did much to hype the 3 notable boxing matches between them. The letter is signed in type: Rich. Humphries.
Me... See More
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Daniel Mendoza, the Jewish boxing champion...
Item #607590
January 24, 1788
THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, Jan. 24, 1788
* Daniel Mendoza - The fighting Jew
* Richard Humphries - 1st of 3 fights
Inside has a nearly column-long article headed: "Humphries Reply to Mendoza" which is one of several letters between these two boxing rivals, which did much to hype the 3 notable boxing matches between them. The letter is signed in type: Rich. Humphries (see... See More
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Daniel Mendoza, the Jewish boxing champion...
Item #597344
January 24, 1788
THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, Jan. 24, 1788 Inside has a nearly column-long article headed: "Humphries Reply to Mendoza" which is one of several letters between these two boxing rivals, which did much to hype the 3 notable boxing matches between them. The letter is signed in type: Rich. Humphries (see).
Mendoza was a famous Jewish boxer who transformed the English stereotype of a... See More
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Dan Mendoza, the Jewish boxer...
Item #596185
January 26, 1788
THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, Jan. 26, 1788 The top of page 3 has: "Mendoza's Answer to Humphries" concerning a boxing match, signed by him in type: Daniel Mendoza. (see) This letter takes most of the middle column.
Mendoza was a famous Jewish boxer who transformed the English stereotype of a Jew from a weak, defenseless person into someone deserving of respect. He is said to... See More
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Dan Mendoza, the Jewish boxer...
Item #607591
January 26, 1788
THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, Jan. 26, 1788
* Jewish - Jews - Judaica
The top of page 3 has: "Mendoza's Answer to Humphries" concerning a boxing match, signed by him in type: Daniel Mendoza. (see) This letter takes most of the middle column.
Mendoza was a famous Jewish boxer who transformed the English stereotype of a Jew from a weak, defenseless person into someone des... See More
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Daniel Mendoza, the famed Jewish boxer...
Item #591312
January 30, 1788
THE PENNSYLVANIA PACKET, Philadelphia, Jan. 30, 1788 Page 2 has an early report on Daniel Mendoza the Jewish boxer. The report notes in part: "Humphries & Mendoza happened to be present & the former challenged the champion of the Israelites. Mendoza agreed to accept the challenge provided that on weighing, there was no greater difference between them than that allowed...The matc... See More
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Dan Mendoza, the Jewish boxer...
Item #607592
January 31, 1788
THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, Jan. 31, 1788 The top of page 3 has: "Mendoza's Final Answer to Humphries" concerning a boxing match, signed by him in type: Daniel Mendoza. (see) Mendoza was a famous Jewish boxer who transformed the English stereotype of a Jew from a weak, defenseless person into someone deserving of respect. He is said to have been the first Jew to talk to the ... See More
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Dan Mendoza, the Jewish boxer...
Item #595772
January 31, 1788
THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, Jan. 31, 1788
* 18th century boxing
* Jewish - Judaica
The top of page 3 has: "Mendoza's Final Answer to Humphries" concerning a boxing match, signed by him in type: Daniel Mendoza. (see) Mendoza was a famous Jewish boxer who transformed the English stereotype of a Jew from a weak, defenseless person into someone deserving of respect. He is... See More
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Humphries confronts Mendoza to set a boxing match...
Item #607593
July 08, 1788
THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, July 8, 1788
* Jewish - Judaica boxing
2 has a very interesting report concerning the two famed boxers of the day, Richard Humphries and Daniel Mendoza. Included is: "Humphreys...went to the school of Mendoza & after the usual sparring of the...pupils was over, called upon him...to declare whether he intended to fight him again or not, offering t... See More
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Humphries confronts Mendoza to set a boxing match...
Item #603276
July 08, 1788
THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, July 8, 1788
* Jewish - Jews - Judaica
2 has a very interesting report concerning the two famed boxers of the day, Richard Humphries and Daniel Mendoza. Included is: "Humphreys...went to the school of Mendoza & after the usual sparring of the...pupils was over, called upon him...to declare whether he intended to fight him again or not, offering t... See More
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Boxing match between Humphreys and Mendoza...
Item #607594
August 09, 1788
THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, Aug. 9, 1788
* Jewish - Jews - Judaica
Inside has close to half a column on the boxing champions Humphreys and Daniel Mendoza, noting in part: "After all the negociations upon the subject of the contest between Humphreys and Mendoza...renders it hardly probable that they will ever fight again...Humphreys informed Mendoza that he accepted his challenge &... See More
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Boxing match between Humphreys and Mendoza...
Item #603835
August 09, 1788
THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, Aug. 9, 1788
* Jewish - Jews - Judaica
Inside has close to half a column on the boxing champions Humphreys and Daniel Mendoza, noting in part: "After all the negociations upon the subject of the contest between Humphreys and Mendoza...renders it hardly probable that they will ever fight again...Humphreys informed Mendoza that he accepted his challeng... See More
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A rematch between noted boxers Mendoza and Humphreys...
Item #605429
November 18, 1788
THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, Nov. 18, 1788
* Jewish - Jews - Judaica
Page 2 has an article headed: "Boxing" concerning a rematch between noted boxers Daniel Mendoza and Richard Humphreys with a letter from the latter to Mendoza: "...shall meet you at the time & place appointed when I hope to find that you are in earnest & that I am not again to be trifled with.... See More
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The boxers Mendoza and Humphreys plan their next contest...
Item #603740
November 27, 1788
* Jewish - Jews - Judaica
Page 3 has a report of George Barrington (of eventual Botany Bay fame) being before the King's Bench, headed: "King versus Barrington" (see). The hyperlink has much on Mr. Barrington.
The back page has a report of the famed boxer Daniel Mendoza, noting in part: "Humphreys and Mendoza met yesterday evening...for ... See More
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Daniel Mendoza, famous Jewish boxer...
Item #591806
February 07, 1789
* Daniel Mendoza - Jewish boxer
Page 3 has two brief reports concerning boxers of the 18th century: "Johnson is now training at the King's Oak in Epping Forest. A concourse of gentlemen generally assemble there every Sunday for the purpose of seeing this able pugilist." and "Ryan trains at no less a distan... See More
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Daniel Mendoza, the famed Jewish boxer...
Item #593555
May 09, 1789
THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, May 9, 1789 Page 3 has a lengthy & very detailed account of the famed second of three boxing matches between Daniel Mendoza Richard Humphries. Near the end it notes: "...With regard to skill in the conduct of this boxing match Mendoza appeared evidently to have the superiority..." with more (see).
Daniel Mendoza was a famous Jewish boxer who tran... See More
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Daniel Mendoza, the famed Jewish boxer...
Item #593556
May 09, 1789
THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, May 9, 1789
* 18th century boxing
Page 3 has a lengthy & very detailed account of the famed second of three boxing matches between Daniel Mendoza & Richard Humphries. Near the end it notes: "...With regard to skill in the conduct of this boxing match Mendoza appeared evidently to have the superiority..." with more (see).
Daniel Mendoza ... See More
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First Jewish boxer to become a champion...
Item #212374
May 18, 1789
THE DIARY OR WOODFALL'S REGISTER, London, May 18, 1789 Page 3 contains a nice report headed: "Boxing--Mendoza's Answer to Humphreys" which is a personal letter to him signed in type: D. Mendoza. Daniel Mendoza was the first Jewish prize fighter to become a champion, a title he laid claim to in 1791. He fought a series of famous matches against Richard Humphries, the first he lost but ... See More
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Daniel Mendoza, the famous Jewish boxer...
Item #670827
May 18, 1789
* Jewish - Jews - Judaica
Page 3 has a small bit: "Humphries has replied to Mendoza's acceptance of his challenge with seeming satisfaction, and declares he will, by a private letter, appoint a meeting for the purpose of settling particulars."
Daniel Mendoza was a famous Jewish boxer who transformed the Englis... See More
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Daniel Mendoza, the famous Jewish boxer...
Item #664153
May 18, 1789
THE MORNING POST & DAILY ADVERTISER, London, May 18, 1789 The top of page 2 has an article headed: "Boxing" which begins: "Mendoza, it is said, wishes to decline another engagement with Humphreys, but his friends think that he cannot avoid it..." with more.
Daniel Mendoza was a famous Jewish boxer who transformed the English stereotype of a Jew from a weak, defensele... See More
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Mendoza's boxing school is promptly shut down..
Item #643751
May 19, 1789
LONDON CHRONICLE, May 19, 1789 Page 2 has a report on: "...William Aspinal, a noted walker, set out from Pontefract in Yorkshire...arrived on the Wednesday following...." with more on his walking journey. Also a bit: "Mendoza's school in Bartholomew Lane was opened on Saturday with all the insolence of recent triumph...was instantly closed by the enforcement of a few const... See More
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Arriving for the first inauguration... Mendoza, the famed Jewish boxer...
Item #681523
June 13, 1789
THE DIARY OR WOODFALL'S REGISTER, London, June 13, 1789 Page 2 has a nice report concerning events just prior to Washington's inauguration: "...letter from New York...the legislative Assembly of the American Confederation was at that time full of business. General Washington, the President, had arrived on the 21st at Elizabeth Town...came to New York, when he received all the ho... See More
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Daniel Mendoza the famed Jewish boxer...
Item #632742
December 19, 1789
THE DIARY OR WOODFALL'S REGISTER, London, Dec. 19, 1789 The ftpg. has a notice headed: "Boxing" beginning: "Daniel Mendoza respectfully informs his friends & patrons that he intends...to exhibit the of boxing..." with further details (see). Daniel Mendoza was the famed Jewish boxer who transformed the English stereotype of a Jew from a weak, defenseless pers... See More
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Humphries & Mendoza set a date for their second match...
Item #591855
January 12, 1790
* 18th century boxing
Page 3 has: "Boxing" which includes letters from Humphries & Mendoza, the first is Humphries asking Mendoza for the date they will fight, and the other is Mendoza responding (see). As Wikipedia notes the career of Daniel Mendoza (famed Jewish boxer; see hyperlink) was defined by a seri... See More
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Jewish boxer Daniel Mendoza... Botany-Bay...
Item #690138
January 15, 1790
* Daniel Mendoza - The fighting Jew
* Jewish boxer - Jews - Judaica
* Botany Bay - Australia convicts
Pages 2 and 3 both have articles related to 18th century boxing, one of which includes a mention of Daniel Mendoza, the famed Jewish boxer. Page 2 also has the mention of ships full of convicts headed for Botany... See More
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18th century boxing... Daniel Mendoza... Botany-Bay...
Item #591846
January 15, 1790
* two boxing related articles... including the mention of Mendoza (Daniel Mendoza, noted 18th century Jewish boxer)
* Mention of Botany-Bay and convicts
Pages 2 and 3 both have articles related to 18th century boxing, one of which includes a mention of Mendoza, the famed Jewish boxer. Page 2 also has the mention of sh... See More
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Jewish boxer Daniel Mendoza... Botany-Bay...
Item #652524
January 15, 1790
THE MORNING POST & DAILY ADVERTISER, London, January 15, 1790 Pages 2 and 3 both have articles related to 18th century boxing, one of which includes a mention of Daniel Mendoza, the famed Jewish boxer. Page 2 also has the mention of ships full of convicts headed for Botany-Bay (Australia) having been given their final orders.
Four pages, very nice condition.... See More
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Famed Jewish boxer Daniel Mendoza...
Item #652266
January 19, 1790
THE MORNING POST AND DAILY ADVERTISER, London, Jan. 19, 1790 Unusual in that nearly half a column on pg. 3 is taken up with not just "Boxing" as it is headed, but with the: "...celebrated pugilists, Humphreys and Mendoza...", the latter being the famed Jewish boxer. The article notes: "...Humphreys and Mendoza met yesterday evening, by appointment...accompanied... See More
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Mendoza & boxing as "a disgrace of society"...
Item #620339
February 02, 1790
THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, Feb. 2, 1790
* Daniel Mendoza - The fighting Jew
The back page has: "...Sir Sampson compelled Mr. Mendoza to give bail for his good behavior in future, which he did, himself in a penalty of 200 pounds...Thus the rage for boxing has received a very proper check...to be hoped the magistrates throughout the kingdom will be no less vigilant in their ende... See More
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Mendoza & boxing as "a disgrace of society"...
Item #698986
February 02, 1790
THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, Feb. 2, 1790
* Daniel Mendoza - The fighting Jew
The back page has: "...Sir Sampson compelled Mr. Mendoza to give bail for his good behavior in future, which he did, himself in a penalty of 200 pounds...Thus the rage for boxing has received a very proper check...to be hoped the magistrates throughout the kingdom will be no less vigilant in their end... See More
Mendoza & boxing as "a disgrace of society"...
Item #664692
February 02, 1790
THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, Feb. 2, 1790
* Daniel Mendoza - The fighting Jew
The back page has: "...Sir Sampson compelled Mr. Mendoza to give bail for his good behavior in future, which he did, himself in a penalty of 200 pounds...Thus the rage for boxing has received a very proper check...to be hoped the magistrates throughout the kingdom will be no less vigilant in their ende... See More
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Humphreys and Mendoza, the famed boxers...
Item #610751
February 06, 1790
THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, Feb. 6, 1790
* Jewish - Jews - Judaica
Page 3 has an article concerning the famed boxers Humphries and Daniel Mendoza: "Yesterday Humphries and Mendoza waited on Sir Sampson Wright...with their sureties...were informed...that if they should attempt to challenge each other...they would be subject to severer penalties: they both promised they would not... See More
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Jewish boxer Daniel Mendoza...
Item #653512
May 24, 1790
THE MORNING POST & DAILY ADVERTISER, London, May 24, 1790 The top of page 3 has a column headed: "Boxing" which mentions in part: "...stated that Humphreys and Mendoza were to meet 'by accident' and finally contend for superiority of skill. This 'accidental encounter' was certainly designed by the friends of each party..." with much more on arranging f... See More
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