1938 Howard Hughes' Around the World flight...
Item #713308
July 15, 1938
* Aviator Howard Hughes
* Airplane flight around World
* Ends in success (1st report)
The front page has a three column heading: "HUGHES CLAIMS POST'S SOLO HOP SURPASSES HIS AIR ACHIEVEMENT" with subheads and photo showing Hughes and his crew exiting the airplane. (see images) More on page 4 with 7 related photos and map showing... See More
Prohibition coming to an end in 1933...
Item #712235
March 21, 1933
THE BETHLEHEM GLOBE-TIMES, Penn., March 21, 1933
* Prohibition ending - alcohol returning
* Twenty-First Amendment of U.S. Constitution
* United States Congress votes to repeal
The top of the front page has a four column headline: "HOUSE PASSES BEER BILL" with subheads. (see images)
Complete with all 18 pages, light toning at the margins, generally in very nice condition.... See More
1931 Gandhi-Irwin Pact signed...
Item #711843
March 04, 1931
* Gandhi-Irwin Pact reached (early 1st report)
* Mahatma Gandhi & Lord Irwin - India
The top of the front page has a one column heading: "MAHATMA GANDHI AND IRWIN SIGN TRUCE IN INDIA" with subheads. (see images)
Complete with all 20 pages, light toning at the margins, irregular along the spine, otherwise in good condition.
... See More
1922 William Desmond Taylor murder....
Item #711522
February 07, 1922
THE BETHLEHEM TIMES, Pennsylvania, February 7, 1922
* William Desmond Taylor shot dead
The top of the front page has a two column heading: "LITTLE PROGRESS MADE IN SOLVING MYSTERY OF SHOOTING OF MOTION PICTURE DIRECTOR" with subheads. (see images) Coverage on the recent murder of famed actor and director William Desmond Taylor which is still unsolved till this day.
Complete in 14 ... See More
Molly Maguires ?...
Item #711260
April 05, 1875
BETHLEHEM DAILY TIMES, Pennsylvania, April 5, 1875
* Molly Maguires
* Miners - railroad
* Gov. John F. Hartranft
* Pennsylvania
Page 3 has an article with small heading: "The Troubles in the Coal Regions" (see images) Nice to have in a Pennsylvania title.
Other news and advertisements of the day. Complete in 4 pages, nice condition.... See More
1st ever New York Yankees World Series game...
Item #710750
October 11, 1921
THE BETHLEHEM TIMES, Penn. October 11, 1921
* New York Yankees 1st ever World Series
* Babe Ruth's second year w/ Yanks vs. Giants
* Photo showing Ruth & his 1st ever WS home run
The front page has a nice banner headline: "GIANTS CAPTURE SIXTH GAME OF SERIES TODAY" with subheads, box scores and inning by inning description which continues inside. (see images) Page 9 has a... See More
Kodak Camera Founder George Eastman Dies In 1932...
Item #710256
March 15, 1932
THE BETHLEHEM GLOBE-TIMES, Pennsylvania, March 15, 1932
* George Eastman death by suicide
* Kodak camera inventor - roll film
This 18-page newspaper has one column headings on page 5: "DEATH OF EDISON SADDENED EASTMAN", "Kodak Manufacturer Also Grieved Over Passing of Hubbell" and "Dreaded Long Illness" Coverage on the suicide of Kodak camera invent... See More
Orson Welles' "War of the Worlds" Martian attack causes panic...
Item #710229
October 31, 1938
* "War of the Worlds" - Orson Welles
* Radio broadcast causes panic (1st report)
* Mars invasion - martians
Page 3 has an article on the infamous "War of the Worlds" radio broadcast delivered by Orson Wells. This radio adaptation of H.W. Wells' "War of the Worlds" novel was taken seriously by many listen... See More
1938 "The Last Raft" Susquehanna River disaster....
Item #703632
March 21, 1938
THE BETHLEHEM GLOBE-TIMES, Penn., March 21, 1938
* Historic "The Last Raft" tragedy
* West Branch of Susquehanna River
* Muncy, Lycoming County, Pennsylvania
* From McGees Mills, Clearfield County
The front page has a one column heading: "HISTORY RAFT CRASHES; 1 DEAD, SIX ARE MISSING" with subheads and photo. (see images) First report coverage on "The Last Raft&q... See More
America declares war against Spain...
Item #702885
April 23, 1898
THE GLOBE, South Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, April 25, 1898
* Spanish-America War begins
* United States declares war
A nice & unusual graphic in this issue with a front page illustration captioned: "Entrance To Havana Harbor" showing Morro Castle with the ship La Punta. The front have also has column heads with the historic: "DECLARATION OF WAR" "The Messag... See More
St. Louis Cardinals win 1944 World Series of baseball...
Item #702108
October 10, 1944
THE BETHLEHEM GLOBE-TGIMES, Pennsylvania, October 10, 1944
* 1944 World Series (game 6)
* St. Louis Cardinals vs. St. Louis Browns
* Championship game (final)
* World War II - WWII era
The top of page 14 has a six column heading: "Cardinals Regain World Championship" with subheads, 2 photos, box scores and inning by inning description. First report coverage of game 6 which made ... See More
American & Russian armies meet in Germany...
Item #701906
April 27, 1945
THE BETHLEHEM GLOBE-TIMES, Pennsylvania, April 27, 1945
* United States Army join Russian troops in Germany
* Historic meeting - World War II
A banner headline announces: "TRUMAN REPORTS ALLIED JUNCTURE" with subheads. (see images) Nice for display.
Complete with 24 pages, light toning at the margins, a few small binding holes along the spine, generally nice.... See More
Howard Hughes - after his around the world flight...
Item #701368
July 16, 1938
THE BETHLEHEM GLOBE-TIMES, Pennsylvania, July 16, 1938
* Howard Hughes goes into seclusion
* Post around the World airplane flight
The front page has a one column heading: "Howard Hughes Retires Into A Secluded Home" with subheads "Bewildered by Hero-Worship, He Seeks Rest and Quiet", "Companions at Hotel", "Plans for Next Few Days Indefinite -- To Be Fete... See More
1st ever tank battle... World War I...
Item #701180
November 22, 1917
THE GLOBE, Bethlehem, Penn., November 22, 1917.
* Battle of Cambrai, France
* 1st ever major tank battle
* World War I - WWI
The top of the front page has a three column headline: "BRITISH ANNOUNCE THAT THEY HAVE TAKEN THE VILLAGE OF FONTAINE IN NEW OFFENSIVE" with subhead. (see) Coverage on what is considered the first successful tank battle which occurred during the Batt... See More
1918 Spanish Flu pandemic...
Item #698894
October 15, 1918
* The Spanish flu pandemic
* H1N1 influenza A virus
The front page has a two column heading: "DETAILED STATEMENT ON NUMBER OF INFLUENZA CASES OFFICIALLY REPORTED" with subhead. (see)
Sixteen pages, light toning, some margin wear with a few small tears, MUST be handled with care.... See More
Opening King Tut's tomb... Early on Hitler & the Nazi party...
Item #698783
February 16, 1923
THE BETHLEHEM TIMES, Pennsylvania, Feb. 16, 1923
* King Tutankhamun discovery
* Egyptian Pharaoh sarcophagus
* Lord George Carnarvon
* Very early Adolph Hitler
The top of the front page has a column head: "EXPLORERS OPEN THE TOMB OF A PHARAOH TODAY" "Rich Treasure Found in the Mortuary Chamber" which we know today as King Tut's tomb.
Also on the front page ... See More
The death of boxer Jack Johnson...
Item #698494
June 11, 1946
THE BETHLEHEM GLOBE TIMES, Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, June 11, 1946
* Heavyweight boxer Jack Johnson death
* 1st black World champion "Galveston Giant"
Page 15 has a two column heading: "Jack Johnson Dies Following Accident" with subhead. (see images)
Complete with 20 pages, light toning and minor wear at the margins, a few small binding holes along the spine, gener... See More
General Warren's monument... The Bible lands...
Item #698448
June 20, 1857
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, June 20, 1857 The full front page features: "Prince Frederic William of Prussia, and the Princess Royal of England" which also has an inside accompanying article.
"Travel Notes in Bible Lands" features nearly half page illustration of: 'Bethlehem' and a smaller print of: 'Grotto of Christ's Birth' & 'Church of th... See More
More on the 1919 World Series betting scandal...
Item #697232
September 29, 1920
THE BETHLEHEM TIMES, Pennsylvania, Sept. 29, 1920 The top of the front page has a report concerning the infamous "Black Sox" World Series betting scandal.
Heads: "MORE LIGHT THROWN ON BASE BALL GAMBLING" "Additional Confessions by Several White Sox Players" "In Making A Clean Breast" "And Dealing With the Frame-Up of the 1919 World's Series&q... See More
Galveston Flood... Deadliest natural disaster in U.S. history...
Item #697061
September 11, 1900
THE BETHLEHEM TIMES, Bethlehem, PA, September 11, 1900.
* Galveston Hurricane storm flood (historic)
* Original reporting, 2nd Report
* Deadliest natural disaster in U.S. history
This newspaper is complete in eight pages with two column headlines on front page that include: "FATALITIES AT GALVESTON WORSE THAN FIRST REPORTED" "Conclusion Almost Irresistible That More Than a T... See More
Work of the 'Hole In The Wall Gang' with rare mention of 'Butch Cassidy' (well, almost)...
Item #696633
August 31, 1900
THE BETHLEHEM TIMES, Pennsylvania, Aug. 31, 1900 The top of page 3 has column heads: "BANDITS GOT $100,000" "Thrilling Hold Up of Union Pacific Express Train" "Money Belonged to Uncle Sam" "it Was En Route for Manila to Pay American Soldiers--Famous Outlaw Band the Robbers--Now Fighting Desperately to Escape".
The report is datelined from "Table ... See More
1938 New York Yankees World Series win...
Item #693317
October 10, 1938
THE BETHLEHEM GLOBE-TIMES, Penn., October 10, 1938
* New York Yankees are champions
* Joe DiMaggio & Lou Gehrig era
* World Series of baseball (game 4)
Page 14 has a one column heading: "Yankees Clean Up Cubs In 4 Straight" with subheads and box scores. (see)
Complete with 20 pages, light toning at the margins, nice condition.
... See More
First Woman to fly the Atlantic...
Item #692738
June 08, 1928
* Woman aviator Amelia Earhart
* About to make history* Airplane "Friendship"
Less than 13 months after Charles Lindbergh's heralded accomplishment, Amelia Earhart became the first woman to achieve the feat. The front page has a one column heading: "FRIENDSHIP HAS LEAKY TANK" with subheads. (see) Weather would... See More
World War II newspaper printed on board a troop ship...
Item #690544
September 15, 1943
THE NOORDAM NEWS, "Somewhere on the Pacific", Sept. 15, 1943
* MS Noordam II troopship
The Noordam was a Holland American Line ship which was converted to a troopship by Bethlehem Steel to transport up to 2,400 troops for the U.S. War Shipping Administration. She was sent into action and transporting troops where needed.
This was a four page "camp" newspaper crudel... See More
Death of Jesse James...
Item #688939
April 04, 1882
DAILY TIMES, Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, April 4, 1882
* Jesse James assassination
* Robert & Charles Ford
* St. Joseph, Missouri
The back page has a rather inconspicuous report at the bottom of the first column: "Death of the Notorious Robber Jesse James". The report, which continues at the top of the next column, reads in full: "Jesse James, the notorious robber was shot... See More
Mary Todd Lincoln declared insane...
Item #688581
May 20, 1875
* Mary Todd Lincoln INSANE
* President Abraham's wife
The front page has somewhat inconspicuous report that begins with: "Mrs. Lincoln, widow of President Lincoln, has been adjudged insane by the County Court at Chicago..." (see)
Complete in 4 pages, nice condition.
Early drug addiction cure ? in 1920....
Item #687894
April 24, 1920
THE BETHLEHEM TIMES, Penn. April 24, 1920
* Early drug addiction cure "
* Heroin - cocaine - morphine
* Twilight sleep - coma state
The top of page 15 has a one column heading: "NEW CURE FOR DRUG ADDICTS" with subheads. (see)
Complete with 16 pages, light toning and a little wear at the margins, a few small binding slits along the psine, generally good, Should be handled wi... See More
1934 death of the "Hotdog Man"
Item #687336
May 04, 1934
THE BETHLEHEM GLOBE TIMES, Pennsylvania, May 4, 1934
* Harry M. Stevens death
* Inventor of the hot dog
* "Hotdog Man" King
* Food concessionaire
The top of the back page has a one column heading: "HARRY STEVENS, 'HOT DOG KING,' DIES AT 78" with subheads. (see)
Complete with 26 pages, light toning at the margins, nice condition.... See More
President Washington's state-of-the-union address...
Item #686595
THE MASSACHUSETTS MAGAZINE, Boston, December, 1790 * President George Washington
* 2nd State of the Union Address
Certainly the most notable content is the 1 1/2 pages taken up with: "President Washington's Speech" which was his second state-of-the-union address, signed by him in type: George Washington.
The balance of the issue is taken up with a wide range... See More
Babe Ruth suspended and fined in 1921...
Item #685579
December 05, 1921
THE BETHLEHEM GLOBE, Pennsylvania, Dec. 5, 1921
* Babe Ruth suspended
* New York Yankees
* For barnstorming tour
The front page has a one column heading: "LANDIS HANDS BIG 'BABE' RUTH SEVERE SENTENCE" with subhead. (see)
Sixteen pages, light toning and a little wear at the margins, generally nice.... See More
Babe Ruth's first home run record breaker...
Item #685572
September 09, 1919
THE GLOBE, Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, Mass., Sept. 9, 1919
* Babe Ruth's very 1st home run record
* Boston Red Sox - MLB baseball
Page 8, under "Watching the Score Board" is a brief report which begins with: "Yesterday's hero, Babe Ruth. The Red Sox gardener made a new home record..." (see) A very significant sports report as this first record-breaker for Bab... See More
1940 Cincinnati Reds vs. Detroit Tigers...
Item #685062
THE BETHLEHEM GLOBE-TIMES, Pennsylvania, October 7, 1940* Cincinnati Reds vs. Detroit Tigers
* World Series of baseball (game 6)
Above the masthead is a nice scoreboard graph showing the Cincinnati Reds winning 4-0. (see) The front page has two column heading: "BUCKY WALTERS SHUTS OUT TIGERS AND HITS HOMER" with subheads, related photo and box scores. (see)
Complete with 20 page... See More
William Desmond Taylor murder...
Item #683389
February 06, 1922
THE BETHLEHEM TIMES, Pennsylvania, February 6, 1922 The front page has a one column head: "POLICE RUNNING DOWN CLUES IN TAYLOR MURDER" with subhead. Coverage on the murder of famed actor and director William Desmond Taylor which is still unsolved till this day.
Complete in 12 pages, light toning and a little wear at the margins, generally good.
Four issue set on Panama's independence from Colombia...
Item #682721
November 04, 1903
THE BETHLEHEM TIMES, Pennsylvania, a four issue set dated November 4-5-6-7, 1903
* Panama becomes independent
* Recognized by United States
This set reports the Panamanian revolt against Colombian control, recognition of independence by the United States, and the resulting celebration for their independence.
Such heads include: "Warships Shelling City of Panama - The Situation ... See More
Wright brothers smash all flight records...
Item #682710
September 09, 1908
THE GLOBE, South Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, Sept. 9, 1908
* 1st ever airplane flight for over 1 hour
* Orville Wright - Brothers
* Fort Meyer, Virginia
Page 4 begins with column heads: "NEW WORLD RECORD IN AEROPLANE FLIGHTS" "Orville Wright Circled Above Parade Ground at Fort Meyer, Va. - Remained in the Air 57 Minutes...Smashing All Previous Records...".
Twelve p... See More
Wright brothers hold all the records at LaMans, France...
Item #682709
September 16, 1908
THE GLOBE, South Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, Sept. 16, 1908
* Early airplane - aviation
* Wilbur Wright - Brothers
* Le Mans, France flight
The top of the front page has a column headed: "WRIGHT BROTHERS HOLD ALL RECORDS" "For Sustained Airplane Flights by This Morning's Performance" "Wilbur Wright Today Remaned in the Air For 29 Minutes and 18 Seconds at LeMans, ... See More
3rd ever New York Yankees World Series game...
Item #681426
October 07, 1921
THE BETHLEHEM TIMES, Penn. October 7, 1921
* New York Yankees 3rd ever World Series game
* Babe Ruth's second year w/ Yanks vs. Giants
* Early, same day first report
The front page has a nice banner headline: "GIANTS TAKE THIRD GAME OF WORLD'S SERIES" with subheads, aerial view of the stadium and box scores. (see) This was game 3 of the 1921 World Series.
Sixteen pages,... See More
A graphically appealing Presidential state-of-the-union address...
Item #681356
December 06, 1921
THE BETHLEHEM GLOBE, Pennsylvania, Dec. 6, 1921 Presented much better than typically found, the front page features President Warren Harding's state-of-the-union address for 1921.
The 3-line banner headline: "HARDING SUGGESTS LEGISLATION THAT HE HOPES WILL HASTEN ERA OF PROSPERITY...". The middle of the page, in much wider columns, is the: "Annual Message of President Har... See More
Dalton Gang & the Red Rock train robbery...
Item #680696
June 02, 1892
DAILY TIMES, Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, June 2, 1892 The back page has an item headed: "A Train Looted By Robbers" "They Don't Hurt the Passengers But Entirely Empty the Safe" with the text noting: "...passenger train was held up last night be masked robbers at Red Rock in the Cherokee strip...The robbers entered the express car, broke open the safe & secured t... See More
Jackie Robinson's baseball debut...
Item #680662
April 19, 1946
THE BETHLEHEM GLOBE-TIMES, Pennsylvania, April 19, 1946
* Jackie Robinson breaks the color barrier
* Baseball debut (1st report)
Page 12 has a small one column headline: "Robinson Has Field Day In Making Debut". Brief but historic coverage on Jackie Robinson breaking the color barrier. A historic report in both baseball and black americana.
Complete with 22 pag... See More
Jesse Owens wins olympic gold in 1936....
Item #680481
August 04, 1936
THE BETHLEHEM GLOBE-TIMES, Pennsylvania, August 4, 1936
* Jesse Owens Olympic gold
* United States dominance
* In front of Adolph Hitler & Reich
This 18 page newspaper has one column headlines on the front page that include: "JESSE OWENS BREAKS BROAD JUMP RECORD" "Leaps 26 Feet 5 1-3 Inches Beating Record of Edward Hamm in 1928". More Olympic news ... See More
Charles Linbergh's 1927 ticker tape parade...
Item #679282
June 13, 1927
THE BETHLEHEM GLOBE-TIMES, Pennsylvania, June 13, 1927
* Great Charles Lindbergh welcome home
* Ticker tape parade in New York City
The front page has a three column headline: "COL. LINDBERGH, CENTER OF GREAT TRIUMPHANT RECEPTION IN NEW YORK" with subheads (see photos).
This issue contains other news, sports and advertisements of the day. Complete in 16 pages, it has minor marg... See More
Supreme Court Blocks President...
Item #678589
June 03, 1952
THE TIMES-PICAYUNE, New Orleans, Louisiana, June 3, 1952
* Youngstown Sheet & Tube Co vs. Sawyer
* Supreme Court decision checks Presidential Authority
The front page has a displayable photo and a 4 column headline: "STEEL SEIZURE HELD INVALID; STRIKE CALLED IMMEDIATELY" which tells of the United States Supreme Court's decision that limited the power of the Presiden... See More
1903 Carrie Nation creates scene in government......
Item #677864
November 19, 1903
THE BETHLEHEM TIMES, Penn., Nov. 19, 1903
* Carrie Nation ejected from White House
* Temperance movement - pro-prohibition
The top of the front page has a one column heading: "CARRIE NATION AT WHITE HOUSE" with subheads. (see)
Eight pages, light, even toning, irregular along the spine, should be handled with care.... See More
1896 Troy, New York clothing factory fire...
Item #677437
February 18, 1896
DAILY GLOBE, Bethlehem, Penn., February 18, 1896
* Troy, New York
* Clothing factory fire
* Sewing girls disaster
The top of page 3 has s one column heading: "A HOLOCAUST AT TROY" with subheads. (see)
Four pages, light toning, a little irregular along the spine, generally nice.
1908 Marianna, Pennsylvania mine disaster...
Item #676243
November 28, 1908
EVENING TRIBUNE, San Diego, Nov. 28, 1908
* Marianna PA, Washington County Pennsylvania
* Mine - coal mining explosion disaster
The top of the front page has a two column headline: "TWO HUNDRED MINERS CAUGHT IN THE DRAFTS" with subhead. Surprisingly this issue is in good condition being from the "wood pulp" era. Very hard to find issues that are not totally fragile from ... See More
Harry Thaw... Stanford White murder...
Item #675744
February 01, 1908
THE BETHLEHEM TIMES, Penn., February 1, 1908
* 1st successful use of insanity plea in court
* Harry Thaw - Stanford White murder trial
The top of the front page has a two column headline: "Harry K. Thaw Acquitted Today Of Murder Of Stanford White" with subheads. (see)
Ten pages, light toning, piece torn away at the bottom right corner which causes a little text loss t... See More
Jeffries wins the heavyweight title... front page illustration
Item #674580
June 10, 1899
THE BETHLEHEM TIMES, Penn., June 10, 1899
* James Jeffries wins heavyweight boxing title
* w/ illustration - vs. Robert Fitzsimmons
The top of page 3 has one column headings: "JEFFRIES IS CHAMPION" "Easily Defeats Fitzsimmons In The Great Battle" and more with illustration of Jeffries. Also round by round coverage.
Complete with 8 pages, light even toning, 2 larg... See More
The first non-stop flight across the Atlantic Ocean...
Item #672686
June 16, 1919
THE GLOBE, Bethlehem, Penn., June 16, 1919
* 1st Non-stop Transatlantic airplane flight (historic)
* John Alcock & Arthur W. Brown
It may be a surprise to many that Charles Lindbergh was not the first to fly non-stop across the Atlantic (his was the first solo flight). Eight years previously the pair of John Alcock & Arthur Brown made the historic flight. The front page has a ... See More
Al Capone... pre-Stock Market Crash...
Item #671204
October 19, 1929
* Al 'Scarface' Capone
* Prohibition era gangster
* Beer baron
The front page has one column headings: "CAPONE CHECK IS SOUGHT AS RUM RAID EVIDENCE" with subheads. (see) The great stock market crash of 1929 would occur just a few days later.
Complete with all 20 pages, light toning, minor margin wear, some small binding slits ... See More
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