News from the French & Indian War...
Item #695145
December 31, 1761
THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, Dec. 31, 1761 The front page has over a full column of reports headed: "America" with datelines from Charleston, Boston, and Halifax in Nova Scotia. A few bits include: "...A gang of the Point Indians were returned from war against the Spaniards; they lost four men...and killed one Spaniard and a negro...The great bustle that was some time ago in... See More
Situations with the Indians...
Item #677322
November 07, 1795
THE HERALD; A GAZTTE FOR THE COUNTRY, New York, Nov. 7, 1795 Page 3 has a report from Augusta, Georgia, being a letter signed by Timothy Pickering concerning a treaty with the Creek Indians. This is followed by a report from the Knoxville which begins: "Notwithstanding the Creeks have solicited the mediation of the restore peace between them and the Chickasaws...that no p... See More
The slave trade... William Wilberforce... General Wayne slaughters the Indians...
Item #675452
THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, July, 1790 * African slave trade
* William Wilberforce
* Indians massacred
Included is an interesting article on an: "Apparatus of Humanity" with a related full page print captioned: "Apparatus For Communicating Heat to Bodies Apparently Dead". Also a review of a new book: "The Slave Trade Indispensable; in Answer ... See More
The "Trail of Tears"... The new Liberty Seated dime...
Item #671425
July 29, 1837
NILES' WEEKLY REGISTER, Baltimore, July 29, 1837 The front page has an article: "Removal of the Chickasaws" which is about the "Trail of Tears" which offers some detail including: "...They presented a handsome appearance being nearly all mounted...well dressed in their national costume...Not a drunken Indians, we believe, was seen in the company...".
... See More
Gallipolis, Ohio... The Chickasaw and Cherokee Indians...
Item #671376
September 21, 1816
NILES' WEEKLY REGISTER, Baltimore, Sept. 21, 1816 Nearly a full page has: "Gallipolis, Ohio" which provides a brief but historic background of this community.
Two separate articles illustrate a great contrast on relationships between various Indian Tribes and the new settlers: "Chickasaw Notice" and "Huntsville, (M.T.)". The former is a letter from William ... See More
"Trail of Tears"... Abolishing slavery in Virginia...
Item #667248
July 25, 1829
NILES' WEEKLY REGISTER, Baltimore, July 25, 1829
* Abolition of slavery in Virginia
* Trail of Tears - Southeastern Indians
Nearly half of the ftpg. is taken up with: "Abolition of Slavery" which concerns Virginia, noting: "...revise the constitution of the commonwealth, praying for the adoption of some provisions in the new constitution by which the slave populatio... See More
Flooding in Pittsburgh...
Item #174572
July 02, 1881
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, July 2, 1881 Front full pg. Nast illus. with no title. Inside is a 1/2 pg. illus. of "The Pittsburg Flood." 1/2 pg. illus. of "The Alcyone Boat House, Bay Ridge, Long Island." Full pg. containing three illus. pertaining to "The Great Fire at Quebec." 2/3 pg. illus. of "Enough to Make a Horse Laugh." 1/3 pg. illus. of "An E... See More
Wealth of Civil War illustrations...
Item #172828
October 29, 1864
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, October 29, 1864 The full front page is a print of: "A Group of Cavalry Officers" on horseback, being Merritt, Kautz, and Wilcox. Pages 2 & 3 have various reports on the Civil War. Other prints within include: "Headquarters Army of the James--Pennsylvania Soldiers Voting" "Headquarters Army of the James--Rebel Prisoners & Desert... See More
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