1804 Grand Master Isaiah Thomas notice... Masonic...
Item #713611
September 08, 1804
* Grand Master Isaiah Thomas (publisher)
* Grand Lodge of Massachusetts notice
* Masonic - Masons - Freemasonry - Freemasons
The top of the front page has a notice for a upcoming meeting headed: "Grand Lodge of Massachusetts" which is signed in type script: Isaiah Thomas, Grand Master Also contains the... See More
Counting the slaves... The infant Navy...
Item #709993
August 08, 1798
(2) COLUMBIAN CENTINEL, Boston, Aug. 15 and 28, 1798 A notable pair of issues. The entire front page & a bit of pg. 2 of the Aug. 15 issue are taken up with: "An Act to provide for the Valuation of Lands & dwelling houses & the Enumeration of Slaves within the United States". It concludes by taking up most of the ftpg. of the Aug. 18 issue where it is signed in sc... See More
Two letters signed in script type by George Washington...
Item #707212
January 16, 1796
COLUMBIAN CENTINEL, Boston, Jan. 16, 1796
* Two letters signed in script by President George Washington
Page 2 has a letter from the President to Congress signed in script type: Go. Washington. Also on pg. 2 is a letter from the French to Washington, with his reply also signed in script type: Go. Washington.
This title was one of very few which used script type for the President,... See More
On the funeral of the governor...
Item #704834
November 13, 1790
COLUMBIAN CENTINEL, Boston, Nov. 13, 1790 Page 3 reports that George Read was unanimously re-elected Senator of Delaware. A second item says: "The Hon. William Patterson, Esq. Senator of the United States, from New Jersey is unanimously elected Governor of that State." Both of these men signed the Constitution of the United States.
Another column has a final tribute of "affec... See More
Washington script signature... Lighthouse on Sequin Island...
Item #704829
April 25, 1795
COLUMBIAN CENTINEL, Boston, April 25, 1795 The top of third column on the front page has: "Laws Of The United States" "Published By Authority" "Third Congress of the United States". Hereafter is the text of: "An act to regulate the compensation of Clerks...", signed in script type: Go. Washington.
Page 3 has a lengthy document headed: "Treasury D... See More
George Washington signs an Act of Congress...
Item #704731
April 15, 1795
COLUMBIAN CENTINEL, Boston, April 15, 1795 Half of the front page is taken up with an Act of Congress titled: "An Act...to provide more effectually for the collection of the duties in goods, wares and merchandize imported into the United States, and on the tonnage of ships or vessels." which is signed in script type by the President: Go. Washington on the following page.
... See More
Signed by Washington & Jefferson...
Item #704502
May 08, 1793
COLUMBIAN CENTINEL, Boston, May 8, 1793
* George Washington
* Thomas Jefferson
* founding fathers
The top of the first column has: "An Act for the Relief of Simeon Thayer" by the U.S. Congress, signed in type by the President: Go. WASHINGTON as well by the Secretary of State: Th. Jefferson.
Four pages, very nice condition.... See More
George Washington responds to the people of Salem...
Item #704321
June 19, 1793
COLUMBIAN CENTINEL, Boston, June 19, 1793
* President George Washington letter
* Citizens of Salem, Massachusetts
Page 3 has a reply from the President to an address from the inhabitants of Salem, signed in type G. Washington. In the reply he discusses his late Proclamation declaring neutrality in the present contest between France and other European powers.
Page 3 also ha
... See More
* President George Washington letter
* Citizens of Salem, Massachusetts
Page 3 has a reply from the President to an address from the inhabitants of Salem, signed in type G. Washington. In the reply he discusses his late Proclamation declaring neutrality in the present contest between France and other European powers.
Page 3 also ha
Building the frigate ''United States' is ahead of schedule...
Item #704311
September 14, 1796
COLUMBIAN CENTINEL, Boston, Sept. 14, 1796
* USS United States construction
Page 2 has a report noting: "The United States frigate, building in Southwark under the direction of Mr. Humphreys, is in such a state of forwardness that it is probable she might be launched before the ensuing winter, should occasion require (We wish we could say as much of the Boston frigate).&quo... See More
General Anthony Wayne & the Chippewa Indians...
Item #704302
November 06, 1793
COLUMBIAN CENTINEL, Boston, Nov. 6, 1793
* "Mad Anthony" Wayne
A page 3 item reports in part: "...from Pittsburgh, we learn that General Wayne had marched from the Miami against the Indians with 3000 regular troops and 1500 volunteers from Kentucky....Still Knee, a chief of the Chippawas, had come into Fort-Pitt, with assurance that his nation had resolved to observe a ... See More
Choosing a location for Congress...
Item #704253
November 23, 1793
COLUMBIAN CENTINEL, Boston, Nov. 23, 1793
* United States Congress
* Choosing a site to build
A page 3 report from Philadelphia notes: "The President of the United States, having summoned the headed of Departments, Chief Justice and other officers of the Government, to meet at Germantown, to advise on the most suitable place for the meeting of Congress; we understand, their deci... See More
Thomas Jefferson responds concerning the Jay Treaty...
Item #704252
February 08, 1794
COLUMBIAN CENTINEL, Boston, Feb. 8, 1794
* Thomas Jefferson letters
* re. John Jay Treaty
The front page has: "State Papers" which has three letters from Thomas Jefferson as Secretary of State, relating to the controversial Jay Treaty. Each is signed: Th. Jefferson.
Four pages, very nice condition.... See More
Creating the Bank of the United States...
Item #704245
November 02, 1791
COLUMBIAN CENTINEL, Boston, Nov. 2, 1791
* First Bank of the United States creation
Page 3 has a nice report on the opening of the 2nd Congress of the United States, and this is followed by a significant report headed: "National Bank" with details concerning its creation and organization, including the various men chosen as its directors, and noting that: "Thomas W... See More
Shipping report signed by Alexander Hamilton...
Item #704185
February 15, 1794
COLUMBIAN CENTINEL, Boston, Feb. 15, 1794 Page 2 has a report headed: "American Tonnage" being a chart, by country, of the actual tonnage shipped in 1792. The chart is signed by: Alexander Hamilton, Secretary of the Treasury.
Four pages, some minor foxing, good condition.
(3) 1793 George Washington documents...
Item #704184
November 02, 1793
COLUMBIAN CENTINEL, Boston, Nov. 2, 1793
* (3) George Washington documents
Page 2 has an address of the people of Alexandria, Virginia, to the President supporting him in his Proclamation of Neutrality over the conflict between England & France. This is followed by the answer of the President, signed in type: G. Washington.
Then page 2 also has two more document, relating to Fra... See More
Alexander Hamilton, Anthony Wayne, John Jay, and Henry Knox...
Item #704138
December 11, 1793
COLUMBIAN CENTINEL, Boston, Dec. 11, 1793 Page 2 has a letter signed in type: Anthony Wayne concerning an encounter with the Indians. Some paragraphs begin: "It would appear that the savages mean to bend their attention to our convoys..." and "The savages killed & carried off about 70 horses..." and "There are nearly 1000 volunteers in the vicinity..." and m... See More
Washington script signature... Light house on Sequin Island...
Item #704070
April 25, 1795
COLUMBIAN CENTINEL, Boston, April 25, 1795
* President George Washington act of Congress
* Seguin Island Maine Lighthouse proposed
The top of third column on the ftpg. has: "Laws Of The United States" "Published By Authority" "Third Congress of the United States". Hereafter is the text of: "An act to regulate the compensation of Clerks...", sig... See More
John Adams' first state-of-the-union address... Paul Revere...
Item #704064
December 02, 1797
COLUMBIAN CENTINEL, Boston, Dec. 2, 1797 Certainly the prime feature of this issue is the complete text of President John Adams' very first state of the union address, which carries over to page 2 where it is signed in type: John Adams.
Page 3 has an article: "The President's Speech", and page 3 has a notice from the Masonic: "Grand Lodge of Massachusetts" signed... See More
Washington signs three Acts of Congress... Military outposts...
Item #704056
February 18, 1795
COLUMBIAN CENTINEL, Boston, Feb. 18, 1795
* President George Washington
* 3 Acts of Congress signed in script
The front page has a full column taken up with not just one, but three Acts of Congress each signed in script type by the President: Go. Washington.
Page 3 has: "The Western Posts" with some details on Oswego, Niagara, Detroit, Michilimackinac and Fort Miami.... See More
Act of Congress signed by Washington...
Item #704046
May 10, 1794
COLUMBIAN CENTINEL, Boston, May 10, 1794
* President George Washington
* Act of United States Congress
The front page begins with an Act of Congress, signed in script type by the President; Go. Washington. It takes over half the column.
Four pages, never bound nor trimmed, wide margins, some foxing and minor tears at the margins, nice condition.... See More
John Hancock becomes governor...
Item #704039
May 28, 1791
COLUMBIAN CENTINEL, Boston, May 28, 1791
* Governor John Hancock of Massachusetts
Page 2 has a report that: "...committee appointed to count the votes for Governour and Lt. Governour reported that His Excellency JOHN HANCOCK, Esq. was chosen Governour and His Honour SAMUEL ADAMS Esq. Lt. Governour...".
Pages 2 & 3 also have a "Speech" which is signed in type:... See More
Jefferson's first inaugural address...
Item #703939
March 18, 1801
COLUMBIAN CENTINEL, Boston, March 18, 1801 The front page has nearly two columns taken up with: "President Jefferson's Speech, at his Inauguration at Washington, March 4, 1801" which is signed by him in italic type: Thomas Jefferson.
Also on the front page are three Acts of Congress signed in italic type by the then President: John Adams, one for erecting a light house on Mart... See More
As America takes over at New Orleans...
Item #703901
December 24, 1803
COLUMBIAN CENTINEL, Boston, Dec. 24, 1803
* re. Louisiana Purchase
* General James Wilkinson
* Early New Orleans
The front page has an editorial headed: "Louisiana" which seems to be critical of the recent purchase.
A page 2 item from "New Orleans" says: "...It is expected that the troops, under Gen. Wilkinson are now on their way to take possession of the... See More
Very lengthy on the sea monsters...
Item #703716
September 24, 1817
COLUMBIAN CENTINEL, Boston, Sept. 24, 1817
* Sea serpents - monsters
The front page has an unusually lengthy article headed; "The Sea Monster" followed by another titled: "Sea Serpent". Page 2 has: "The President's Return".
Four pages, a strong mid-fold with wear, a small archival mend along the left spine, but otherwise nice.... See More
Laying the cornerstone for the President's House, sort of...
Item #703561
May 26, 1792
COLUMBIAN CENTINEL, Boston, May 26, 1792
* Philadelphia as the nation's capital (temporary)
* Future "White House" ? - Laying of the cornerstone
Page 3 has a somewhat inconspicuous report reading: "The following inscription is cut on the corner stone lately laid as the foundation of the house designed for the future residence of the President of the United St... See More
Signed by Jefferson & Burr...
Item #702740
April 17, 1802
COLUMBIAN CENTINEL, Boston, April 17, 1802 The bottom of the front page has an Act of Congress: "...to authorize the President of the United States to convey certain parcels of land therein mentioned." which is in Essex County, New Jersey. It is signed in script type by: Th. Jefferson, and in block type: Aaron Burr who was Speaker of the House at the time.
Four pages, good conditi... See More
Paul Revere as President of the Board of Health...
Item #702656
July 16, 1800
COLUMBIAN CENTINEL, Boston, July 16, 1800
* Paul Revere
* Board of Health
The top of page 3 has a detailed report from the: "Health Office" which is signed in type by its President: P. Revere.
Four pages, a bit irregular at the margins, scattered foxing.... See More
Did Thomas Jefferson die in 1800?
Item #702636
July 09, 1800
COLUMBIAN CENTINEL, Boston, July 9, 1800 Page 2 has an interesting report concerning the possible death of Thomas Jefferson. Headed: 'Of Mr. Jefferson", it begins: "The papers by the three last southern mails have brought account & contradictions of accounts of the death of Mr. Jefferson at his seat at Monticello..." followed by details of the reports. In reality, he w... See More
On the Lewis & Clark Expedition, reported on the front page...
Item #702570
March 05, 1806
COLUMBIAN CENTINEL, Boston, March 5, 1806
* Thomas Jefferson message to U.S. Congress
* First published information on Lewis and Clark
The front page has a nice "Message" to the Congress signed in type by the President: Th. Jefferson, with much concerning the Lewis & Clark Expedition, including: "...Capt. Meriwether Lewis...was appointed, with a party of men, to ex... See More
The XYZ Affair In 1798....
Item #701701
March 28, 1798
COLUMBIAN CENTINEL, Boston, March 28, 1798
* The XYZ Affair
* France relations
* John Adams message
Page 2 has the "President's Message" to Congress indicating that the negotiations with France by the U.S. envoys have failed. In the message the President states in part: "...I perceive no ground of expectation, that the objects of their mission, can be accomplished,... See More
John Adams responds, Thomas Jefferson intervenes...
Item #701700
October 24, 1798
COLUMBIAN CENTINEL, Boston, Oct. 24, 1798
* The XYZ Affair - France relations
* John Adams & Thomas Jefferson
The front page has an address: "To John Adams, President of the United States" from a military unit at Lexington, followed by his response signed in type: John Adams.
A page 2 bit concerning America making preparations for action against France during the XYZ Af... See More
John Adams, John Adams, and John Adams...
Item #701631
September 08, 1798
COLUMBIAN CENTINEL, Boston, Sept. 8, 1798
* President John Adams
* Acts of U.S. Congress
The front page begins with 3 Acts of Congress, each signed in script type by the President: John Adams.
Page 2 has an address of the Boston Marine Society to the President concerning the growing tensions with France, followed by the President's reply signed in type: John Adams. And the back ... See More
Washington responds to Congress' reaction to his annual address... On the death of Ben Franklin...
Item #701539
December 25, 1790
THE COLUMBIAN CENTINEL, Boston, Dec. 25, 1790
* President George Washington
* re. State of the Union Address
* United States Congress reaction
* re. death of Benjamin Franklin
The front page begins with the Senate's response to Washington's state-of-the-union address, followed by his response signed in script type: George Washington. This is then followed by the House of Re... See More
Act of Congress signed by Washington & others...
Item #701527
April 06, 1793
COLUMBIAN CENTINEL, Boston, April 6, 1793
* George Washington
* John Adams
* Thomas Jefferson
The front page has a lengthy Act of Congress: "An Act to Regulate Trade and Intercourse with the Indian Tribes" signed in type by the President, Vice President, and Secretary of State: Go. WASHINGTON, John Adams, and Th. Jefferson. A decorative issue as such.
Inside has content on... See More
The Citizen Genet Affair in 1793...
Item #701503
May 29, 1793
* Citizen Genet Affair
* Edmond Charles Genet
The front page has the Address Of The Citizens Of Philadelphia, To EDMUND CHARLES GENET, Minister Plenipotentiary From The Republic of France, To The United States", with his Answer signed in type: Genet.
Genêt served as French minister to the United States from 1793 to 1794. His activities in ... See More
Naval battles in the War of 1812...
Item #701028
September 15, 1813
COLUMBIAN CENTINEL, Boston, Sept. 15, 1813
* Naval battles during War of 1812
Among the page 2 reports on the War of 1812 are: "Progress of the War" "War On Lake Ontario" "War On Lake Erie" "War In The Chesapeake" "Capt. Broke's Challenge" which has a letter from Capt. Broke to Captain Lawrence; "Essex American Frigate" am... See More
"Mourning" for the Judiciary Act...
Item #700969
July 10, 1802
COLUMBIAN CENTINEL, Boston, July 10, 1802 The front page has a black-bordered, tongue-in-chief mourning report which relates to the controversial Judiciary Act of 1802.
Four pages, never bound nor trimmed, scattered foxing, good condition.
Beginning the development of Florida...
Item #700950
March 13, 1824
COLUMBIAN CENTINEL, Boston, March 13, 1824
* Development of Florida beginning
The front page has 3 Acts Acts of Congress, 2 signed in type by the President: James Monroe, one of which is: "An Act to Authorize the Laying Out & Opening Certain Public Roads in the Territory of Florida".
Page 3 has a curious article: "Arrest Of the Dead".
Four pages, never bound ... See More
Act of Congress on the front page... Andrew Jackson as a candidate for President...
Item #700948
June 09, 1824
COLUMBIAN CENTINEL, Boston, June 9, 1824 The front page has an Act of Congress: "An Act Enabling the Claimants to lands Within the Limits of the State of Missouri and Territory of Arkansas in institute Proceedings to try the Validity of their Claims".
Also on the front page: "General Jackson" which concerns him running for President.
Four pages, never bound nor trimmed,... See More
The President signs the treaty with Algiers...
Item #700655
January 06, 1816
COLUMBIAN CENTINEL, Boston, Jan. 6, 1816 Over 1 1/2 columns on the ftpg. are taken up with the: "Treaty With Algiers" which is signed in type by the President: James Madison, and also by the Secretary of State: James Monroe.
A brief item regarding this on page 2, as well as: "Treaty With the Indians".
Four pages, never-trimmed margins, minor tears at the margins, nice c... See More
Documents on the Tripolitan War... Ending the Quasi-War with France...
Item #700650
January 02, 1802
COLUMBIAN CENTINEL, Boston, Jan. 2, 1802 The front page has 3 letters concerning the Tripolitan War, or the First Barbary War, including a letter from the President to the Bey [governor] of Tripoli, signed in type: Thomas Jefferson as well as James Madison.
Page 2 has: "A Proclamation" signed by the President: Th. Jefferson, concerning a treaty with France to end the Quasi-War.
F... See More
Four George Washington signatures on the front page...
Item #700623
April 26, 1797
COLUMBIAN CENTINEL, Boston, April 26, 1797 The front page features not one, but four documents each signed by the President: Go. Washington, three of them are signed in the very desirable script type. One of the Acts relates to fixing the military establishment of the United States.
Four pages, very light damp staining at the bottom left, nice condition.
On the ineligibility of federal judges...
Item #700162
February 05, 1791
COLUMBIAN CENTINEL, Boston, Feb. 5, 1791
* First Bank of the United States
* Early American government
The entire front page & most of page 2 are taken up with the: "Debate on the Ineligibility of Federal Judges", in the Massachusetts Legislature. Page 2 has mention from "Congress" that the Act to incorporate the Bank of the United States was read the first &... See More
Much on the War of 1812...
Item #699137
December 01, 1813
COLUMBIAN CENTINEL, Boston, Dec. 1, 1813 The front page has; "Occurrences of the War - On the St. Lawrence - American Account" as well as the "British Official Account" and these are followed by a full column or reports under headings: "General Order". Page 2 has: "Unofficial Account" of events near Lake Ontario; "Extract of a Letter from an Offic... See More
"Report" signed in type by Thomas Jefferson...
Item #698985
January 21, 1792
COLUMBIAN CENTINEL, Boston, Jan. 21, 1792
* Thomas Jefferson before presidency
Beginning on the front page and concluding on page 2 is a very lengthy "Report" from the Secretary of State, signed in type: Th. Jefferson. It is very difficult to find 18th century newspapers with Jefferson's signature in type.
Four pages, never bound nor trimmed, some foxing and a few archi... See More
Sam Adams... Building the frigate United States...
Item #698984
August 03, 1796
COLUMBIAN CENTINEL, Boston, Aug. 3, 1796
* USS United States construction
* Samuel Adams act signed in type
The first column on the front page has an Act of the Mass. Legislature signed in type by: Samuel Adams (stain here affects 4 words). Page 2 has: "French Victory on the Rhine" concerning Buonaparte. Also: "Intercourse With Canada".
Also a brief yet notable r... See More
1796 Sam Adams signatures in type...
Item #698600
February 17, 1796
COLUMBIAN CENTINEL, Boston, Feb. 17, 1796
* Samuel Adams, governor of Massachusetts
The front page has over a full column taken up with three Acts of the Massachusetts Legislature, each Act signed in type by the governor: Samuel Adams.
Four pages, a bit irregular at the margins, light foxing & damp staining, generally good.... See More
George Washington script signature...
Item #698553
February 27, 1796
COLUMBIAN CENTINEL, Boston, Feb. 27, 1796
* President George Washington
* U.S. government in it's infancy
Fully half of the front page is taken up with an Act of Congress which is signed in script type: Go. Washington, and in block type by John Adams. This Act was for providing money for the support of the government for the current year.
Beginning on the front page ... See More
A letter from Horatio Nelson...
Item #698550
November 21, 1795
COLUMBIAN CENTINEL, Boston, Nov 21, 1795
* Lord Horatio Nelson letter
* re. Royal Navy encounters
Page 2 has a letter signed in type by the famous: Horatio Nelson, concerning recent naval events.
The back page begins with a poem titled: "Negro's Prayer".
Four pages, some foxing, good condition.
William H. Harrison on the Battle of Tippecanoe...
Item #698471
December 07, 1811
COLUMBIAN CENTINEL, Boston, Dec. 7, 1811
* Battle of Tippecanoe
* William Henry Harrison
Page 2 has: "Indian War--Official" being a letter to the Secretary of War signed in type: Wm. Henry Harrison, datelined "H.Q. near the Prophet's Town, November 8, 1811." The letter describes the battle of Tippecanoe beginning with: "...the dawn of yesterday terminated... See More
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