Neat advertising extra...
Item #644815
December 20, 1802
BOSTON COMMERCIAL GAZETTE EXTRA, Dec. 20, 1802 Here is a neat, untrimmed, single sheet "extra" containing all ads and notices. Of particular interest is the first column which has eight illustrated ship ads. Printed on both sides, wide, untrimmed margins, 11 by 13 inches, some damp staining, generally nice.
Changing the United States flag...
Item #587732
January 16, 1817
BOSTON COMMERCIAL GAZETTE, Boston, Massachusetts, Jan. 16, 1817
* United States flag changing
Page 2 has a brief yet very significant report on the creation of the United States flag, headed: "Star Spangled Banner" and including: "The flag of the United States is to be altered--The stripes are to be reduced permanently to their original number of thirteen; but the stars ... See More
President James Monroe....
Item #538704
June 11, 1818
* President James Monroe
* Early 19th century original
On the front page under The Presidents Tour is a letter from the mayor of Annapolis to the President, followed by a gracious reply, signed in type: James Monroe.
Other news of the day with several advertisements. Some lite foxing, but none in this content, otherwise in ... See More
Early Pittsburgh... Smithfield Street Bridge opens...
Item #538699
December 21, 1818
* Very early Pittsburgh Pennsylvania
* Smithfield Street Bridge
A page 2 report says:
* "A splendid Bridge has been erected over the Monongahela, near Pittsburg. On the first day of its being opened for passengers, the flooring was covered with several thousands delighted inhabitants of Pittsburg. This was the Monongahela Brid... See More
Item #538588
February 22, 1816
* Early Cincinnati Ohio population increase
* Early 19th century original
A page 2 item headed Population Of Cincinnati says:
* The population of the town of Cincinnati in Ohio, according to a Census lately taken, is 6498, including 247 blacks and mulattoes. The population in 1810 was only 2320.
Other news of the day includes... See More
1824 Circus...
Item #220105
January 03, 1824
* Circus Notice
On page 3 under Circus are details about the performances, including the grand equestrian melodrama of Timour The Tartar. Other news of the day includes: "Mr. Booth", "Daring Attempt at Robbery", "Another Circus", and more. Other ads as well. Lite staining in the upper left corner, some lite foxi
... See More
* Circus Notice
On page 3 under Circus are details about the performances, including the grand equestrian melodrama of Timour The Tartar. Other news of the day includes: "Mr. Booth", "Daring Attempt at Robbery", "Another Circus", and more. Other ads as well. Lite staining in the upper left corner, some lite foxi
General Andrew Jackson...Indian Battles...
Item #201379
May 21, 1818
On pg. 2 under "Domestic" and "Of The Indian War" is an "intelligence" report from an officer about the operations of General Jackson. Mentions the conflagration of the Indian town Missiskauki and that Jackson "..proceeded to St. Marks--the Spanish garrison surrendered...and [he] had arrived at Pensacola.." The rep... See More
1820 James Monroe Act... Missouri...
Item #200404
May 22, 1820
BOSTON COMMERCIAL GAZETTE, May 22, 1820 Pg. 2 has: "AN ACT to limit the term of office for certain officers therein named, and for other purposes", signed in type: James Monroe. Under "Missouri" is a report mentioning an election "... to form a state Constitution...". Typical ads, including an illustrate ship ad, are present. Lite foxing.
Niagara Falls...
Item #152875
September 05, 1818
BOSTON COMMERCIAL GAZETTE, Sept. 7, 1818 Pg. 2 has a brief item: "Falls of Niagara" noting: "The Projection called Table Rock, has...fallen in....the rock broke in pieces...and disclosed a great number of crystalline substances...". Also word that the "...elegant steam-boat Walk-in-the-Water will be ready for sailing this week...".
Small piece missing at the bo... See More
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