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The Boston Tea Party ...
The Boston Tea Party ...
Item # 121503
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January 22, 1774
LONDON CHRONICLE, January 22, 1774 Ftpg. has a short bit headed America mentioning the approval of: An Act for establishing the boundary or partition line between the colonies of New York & New Jersey. Page two has a great report of the Boston Tea Party, mentioning in part: body of the people of this & all adjacent townsassembled at the Old South Meeting House to enquire the reason of the delay in sending the ship Dartmouth, with the East India Tea, back to LondonThe people finding all their efforts to preserve the property of the East India Company body of the people of this & all adjacent townsassembled at the Old South Meeting House to enquire the reason of the delay in sending the ship Dartmouth, with the East India Tea, back to LondonThe people finding all their efforts to preserve the property of the East India Company & return it safely to London, frustrated by the Tea Consignees, the collector of the customers body of the people of this & all adjacent townsassembled at the Old South Meeting House to enquire the reason of the delay in sending the ship Dartmouth, with the East India Tea, back to LondonThe people finding all their efforts to preserve the property of the East India Company & return it safely to London, frustrated by the Tea Consignees, the collector of the customers & the Governor of the Province, dissolved their meeting-But, behold what followed! A number of resolute men dressed like Mohawks or Indians determined t do all in their power to save their country from the ruin which their enemies had plotted, in less than four hours emptied every chest of Tea on board the three shipsamounting to 342 chests, into the sea! Without the least damage done to the ships with much more. See the photos for all the details. This & related reports take over 1 columns of text. Another report has a letter from New York serving notice to all: Whereas our nation have lately been informed that the fetters which have been forged for us by Great Britain are hourly expected to arrive in a certain ship belonging tothe East India Company. We do therefore declare that we are determined not to be enslaved by any power on earth; & that whosoever shall aid or abet so infamous a design, or shall presume to let their store or stores for the reception of the infernal chains, may depend upon it that we are prepared Whereas our nation have lately been informed that the fetters which have been forged for us by Great Britain are hourly expected to arrive in a certain ship belonging tothe East India Company. We do therefore declare that we are determined not to be enslaved by any power on earth; & that whosoever shall aid or abet so infamous a design, or shall presume to let their store or stores for the reception of the infernal chains, may depend upon it that we are prepared & shall not fail to pay them an unwelcome visit in which they shall be treated as they deserve. Signed in type: THE MOHAWKS. A very nice first report in this famous London newspaper. Nice condition.
Category: The 1600's and 1700's