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Death of Calvin Coolidge's son...
Death of Calvin Coolidge's son...
Item # 161328
July 08, 1924
THE NEW YORK TIMES, July 8, 1924 The ftpg. has a 3 line, 1 column head: "President's Son, Calvin Jr., 16 Dies As Parents Watch" and subheads: "Every Method Known to Science Fails to Avert Death from Septic Poisoning" "Injections Resorted To" "Hope Finally Abandoned at 8 P. M., When the Boy Begins to Sink Rapidly" "Illness Caused By Blister" and more. Cal Sr. was devastated by his son's death and sources say he said "That when he went...the power and glory of the Presidency went with him." Browned a bit mostly at the edges, & an ink library stamp close to the masthead.
Category: The 20th Century