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Front page print of the infamous slave ship "Wanderer"...
Front page print of the infamous slave ship "Wanderer"...
Item # 172224
January 15, 1859
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, January 15, 1859 The front page features a rather large print of: "The Yacht 'Wanderer'" along with a related article.
Its infamy is in that it was the last documented ship to bring a cargo of slaves from Africa to the United States, which it did on November 28, 1858. Part of the article notes: "...after detaining the Wanderer for a week or so, let her go. The next heard of her was early in December last when she suddenly loomed up on the coast of Georgia and was charged with having been engaged in the slave trade...The general opinion...is that the Wanderer did not herself carry slaves from Africa, but that she served as the pilot and decoy of a larger vessel which did; and that between three and four hundred slaves were landed on or near Jekyll Island & from thence scattered throughout the Southern country...". History would prove that the Wanderer did carry slaves, in fact, it delivered the last load of slaves to land in America.
Other illustrations within include a full-page illustration of: 'The United States Sloop of War Brooklyn'. Two half-page illustrations entitled 'Railway Train in a Snow Storm' and 'Stopped by the Snow-Drift'. The article: "Incidents of Travel on the Tehuantepec Route" features several small illustrations. Two illustrations of the: "Inauguration of Governor Morgan" encompass nearly a full page.
Sixteen pages, good condition.
Category: 1857-1860