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View of Charleston during the bombardment of Ft. Sumter...

Item # 172464

May 04, 1861

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, May 4, 1861  The full front page is taken up with a famous print: "The House-Tops in Charleston During the Bombardment of Sumter" showing men & women viewing the battle in the harbor.
Inside has a full page: "Map of Part of Maryland and Virginia Showing the Probable Theatre of the War", and "The Great Meeting In Union Square, New York, to Support the Government". Also a fullpg: "The Boston Regiments Embarking for Washington the Jersey City Cars" and another: "The Seventh Regiment Marching Down Broadway to Embark For the War". A nearly halfpg: "Departure of Transport Steamers from New York for Washington with Volunteers" and a halfpg: "The 'R.R. Cuyler' Sailing from New York with the 71st Regiment New York State Militia on Board". A full page shows: "First Blood--The Sixth Massachusetts Regiment Fighting their Way Through Baltimore".
Other prints include: "Stevens's Bomb-Proof Floating Batter", "The Heroes of Fort Sumter" "Parade of United States Troops on Governor's Island Before Embarkation" and "Recruits Drilling in Squads on Governor's Island, New York" and a small print of: "Harper's Ferry, Virginia".
This issue also includes a serialized portion of "Great Expectations", by Charles Dickens. The back page has two cartoons.
Complete in 16 pages.

Category: The Civil War