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Many prints on the Civil War...

Item # 172536

January 11, 1862

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, January 11, 1862  The full front page is a print captioned: "Sinking The Stone Fleet In Charleston Harbor". Inside has a full page: "The Battle of Dranesville" l full page with 6 prints of: "In & About Port Royal, South Carolina"; a full page with 2 prints of: "The Defenses of Washington--Fort Lyon, on the Heights of Hunting Creek..." and "The Defenses of Washington--Fort Ellsworth, South of Alexandria"; a full page map of a: "General View of the Mississippi River From Cairo, Illinois, to the Mouth of the River"; a full page with 3 scenes of: "The Battle at Green River, Kentucky".
Also a half page: "Landing of Ohio Troops at Louisville, Kentucky" and a half pg: "General Buell's Bodyguard".
The doublepage centerfold has ten vignettes headed: "Fairy Tales Told by The Little Folks". The back page has 3 political cartoons.
Complete in 16 pages, and in good condition; however, due to being one of the earliest issues within a bound volume, it has a little more wear than most issues you may be accustomed to.

Category: The Civil War