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Battle of Shiloh, or Pittsburg Landing...
Battle of Shiloh, or Pittsburg Landing...
Item # 172566
April 26, 1862
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, April 26, 1862 The full front page is a print of: "Major-General Halleck in the Field, April, 1862". Inside prints include a full page: "Big Bethel & Its Fortifications Occupied by Our Troops..." and a full page: "The First Day's Fighting At Yorktown..."; one-third page with 2 view of: "The Stevens Iron Steam Gunboat 'Naugatuck' now at Fortress Monroe"; a three-quarter page map: "Of Western Tennessee, Showing the Present Position of the Union & Rebel Armies, Corinth, & the Approaches to Memphis..."; a full page with 4 prints including: "Major-General Pope" "Commodore Foote" "The Gunboat Carondele! Running the Rebel Batteries..." and "Spiking the Guns in the Upper Rebel Battery at Island No. 10"; and a halfpg. of: "The City of Fredericksburg, Virginia".
There is a very nice & dramatic doublepage centerfold: "The Battle of Pittsburg Landing...Final and Victorious Charge of the Union Troops Under Major-General Grant" with a detailed article elsewhere in the issue.
The back page includes a political cartoon: "Commodore Foote's Game of Ten Pins with Beauregard". Complete in 16 pages, nice condition.
Category: The Civil War