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First African-American lawyer to practice before the Supreme Court...
First African-American lawyer to practice before the Supreme Court...
Item # 172862
February 25, 1865
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, February 25, 1865 The front page has prints: "Before Petersburg--Winter Quarters from the Plantation" and "Pocotaligo Depot, South Carolina.
Perhaps the most notable print in this issue is that of: "John H. Rock, Colored Counselor" which has a same-titled article which includes: "We give on this page a portrait of John H. Rock, the colored lawyer who was on February 2 admitted as a practitioner before the Supreme Court of the United States...Mr. Rock is known in Boston as a first-class lawyer. This event, following two days after the passage by Congress of the proposition to amend the Constitution so as to abolish slavery...will be regarded by the future historian as a remarkable indication of the revolution which is going on in the sentiment of a great people...This extraordinary reversal of the Dred Scott decision is an act almost sublime..." with more.
Prints inside include: "Action of the Second Division, Fifth Corps, With the Rebels On Rowanty Creek" "Charge of the First Division, Fifth Corps, on the Rebel Breastworks" "The Great Fire in Philadelphia--Corner of Washington and Ninth Streets" "The Great Fire in Philadelphia--View In Federal Street, Looking Up Length" "Incident on Board the 'Octorara' " "Negro Quarters, army of the James" "Spring & Summer Fashions for 1865".
The doublepage centerfold is a dramatic print: "Home Again! - The Story Of A Life In Rebel Prisons". The back page has a cartoon: "Peace Commissioners". Complete in 16 pages.
Category: The Civil War