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Advancing upon Columbia and Charleston, South Carolina...
Advancing upon Columbia and Charleston, South Carolina...
Item # 172872
April 01, 1865
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, April 1, 1865 The front page has a nice print showing: "General Sherman's Entry Into Columbia, South Carolina". Pages 2 and 3 have some interesting war-related articles including: "Davis Asks to be Dictator" "Davis and Lee" "Trade With Rebels" and more.
Other prints within include: "14th and 20th Corps Crossing the Savannah at Sister's Ferry" "The 20th Corps Entering Blackville, South Carolina" "Hanging Rock, South Carolina" "Old Gold Mine Near Cliburne's Store, South Carolina" "The 14th Corps Crossing the Catawba at Rocky Hill, South Carolina" "The 20th Corps Entering Chesterfield" "Camp Sorghum, Opposite Columbia, South Carolina" "Salluda Factory, Near Columbia, South Carolina" "United States Arsenal at Fayetteville, S.C." "Winsborough, S.C." "General Mower Firing the Blakely Gun Across the Pedee" "General Kilpatrick Recapturing His Headquarters" "Foragers 'Starting Out' In the Morning" "Foragers Returning to Camp at Night" "Long Dock at Hilton Head--Landing of Recruits From Charleston" "Fort Sumter--Side Toward Charleston" "Negro Recruits at Charleston".
The doublepage centerfold has six: "Scenes In Columbia, South Carolina, the Morning After the Fire".
The back page has a cartoon: "Jeff Davis 'Calmly Contemplating' ". Complete in 16 pages.
Category: The Civil War