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The Stamp Act is repealed... Terrific, front page report !

Item # 205356

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May 22, 1766

THE PENNSYLVANIA JOURNAL & WEEKLY ADVERTISER, Philadelphia, May 22, 1766 This is likely the finest issue we have had the pleasure to offer on the significant announcement of the repeal of the Stamp Act, and is dated earlier than other American announcements we have sold.  Not only is this a handsome, colonial issue from Philadelphia with a terrific & very displayable engraving in the masthead (see photo), But most of the first column on the front page is taken up with the text of the Stamp Act repeal, prefaced with the historic message: "Monday last arrived here the Brig Minerva...in 8 weeks, by whom we have the Glorious News of the REPEAL of the STAMP ACT, As passed by the King, Lords and Commons. It received the Royal Assent the 18th of March, on which we most sincerely congratulate our Readers." Immediately following this introduction is the historic text reading: "An Act to Repeal an Act made in the last Session of Parliament entitled, An Act for granting & applying certain Stamp Duties & other Duties in the British Colonies & Plantations in America, towards further defraying the Expences of defending, protecting and securing the same; and for amending such Parts of the several Acts of Parliament relating to the Trade & Revenues of the said Colonies & Plantations as direct the Manner of determining & recovering the Penalties & Forfeitures therein mentioned." which also is followed by the formal document which ends with "...and is and are hereby repealed and made void to all intents and purposes whatsoever." (see photos for the full text).  Also on the front page is a document headed: "We have, by the way of Virginia, the following Bill of Rights as it passed the House of Commons. A bill for the better securing the dependency of his Majesty's dominions in America upon the crown and parliament of Great Britain..." with much more (see photos).  There is further interesting information on the inside pages, including a report from Pool, England beginning: "We have the pleasure to inform you the STAMP ACT is REPEALED..." and more, but even this significant report pales in comparison to what is found on the front page.

A complete, four page issue with never-trimmed margins, with a minor archival repair in the upper left corner not affecting any text, and a tear in the right margin of the front leaf causing no loss of text and not even close to the Stamp Act content. A very displayable issue with this front page content and a cornerstone issue on the events which would lead to the Revolutionary War.

Category: The 1600's and 1700's