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Tupelo Mississippi Tornado of 1936...
Tupelo Mississippi Tornado of 1936...
Item # 221967
April 06, 1936
ALBANY EVENING NEWS, New York, April 6, 1936.
* Tupelo Mississippi
* Gainesville Georgia
* Tornadoes
This 24 page newspaper has a nice two line, four column headline on the front page:
* "Tornadoes Kill 130 in South; Storms Continue Destruction" with subheads that include: "Gainesville, Ga., Stricken Suddenly After Tupelo Is Wrecked" and more with related photo.
* Other news of the day throughout. Light browning at the margins with little spine irregularity, otherwise in nice condition.
* Tupelo Mississippi
* Gainesville Georgia
* Tornadoes
This 24 page newspaper has a nice two line, four column headline on the front page:
* "Tornadoes Kill 130 in South; Storms Continue Destruction" with subheads that include: "Gainesville, Ga., Stricken Suddenly After Tupelo Is Wrecked" and more with related photo.
* Other news of the day throughout. Light browning at the margins with little spine irregularity, otherwise in nice condition.
Category: The 20th Century