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1862 New York City Newspaper....

Item # 540427

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January 18, 1862

THE EVENING POST from New York City and dated January 18, 1862.

* Major Abner Doubleday made General - General Burnside and much more
* Original Civil War era complete issue on cotton & rag paper  
* The War Against Slavery, Abraham Lincoln's War, the 2nd War For Independence

This 4 page newspaper is in nice condition (except for little margin wear & tear) due to the use of cotton and rag paper during this very historic time in U.S. history. This issue is very large in size (unusual). It measures 30 x 26 inches and loaded with advertisements and Civil War reports throughout from the day it was first reported. Lots of interesting reading. Too much to photograph. 

We don't have a big enough folder size for this issue, so it would have to be folded in half inside a large folder if purchased. See photos for some of the content is this issue.

Category: Yankee