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"Confederate States of America"...
"Confederate States of America"...
Item # 546376
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May 29, 1861
THE DAILY JOURNAL, Wilmington, North Carolina, May 29, 1861 A nice feature of this issue is the printing of: "Confederate States of America" which appears in the dateline. The entire ftpg. is taken up with ads including one illustrated ad headed: "Negroes For Sale" & another: "For Hire--For the balance of the year a likely negro boy." (see).. Pg. 2 includes an item beginning: "President Davis passed through Wilmington yesterday..." and a section headed: "The News" which includes a variety of items on the Civil War, bits including; "The Lincolnites have come out of Washington & have taken the field...The Lincolnites are both confident & insolent..." and "Gen. Beauregard has relinquished his command of the federal forces of South Carolina..." and more (see photos). Pg. 3 includes a lengthy article: "Soldiers' Health" which takes over a full column (see for the beginning). Pg. 3 also has an illustrated runaway slave ad. Pg. 4 has: "Starving the South" taking over half a column. Complete in 4 pgs., light, even browning, slightly irregular at the blank spine margin, very nice, clean condition.
Category: Confederate