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Inaugural address of John Quincy Adams... The Maryland "Jew Bill"...
Inaugural address of John Quincy Adams... The Maryland "Jew Bill"...
Item # 549641
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March 05, 1825
NILES' WEEKLY REGISTER, Baltimore, March 5, 1825
* Inaugural address of John Quincy Adams
* The Maryland "Jew Bill"
Within this issue is the complete printing of the inaugural: "Address Delivered by John Quincy Adams, On being sworn into office as President of the United States on the 4th of March, 1825" which takes over two pages. It is prefaced with a report headed: "Inaugural Address" with some of the details of the proceedings (see photos). Great to have this historic text in the next day's newspaper!
A page 3 report headed: "Maryland" states in part: "The legislature of this state adjourned on Saturday last. The 'Jew bill', as it is called--or a bill to alter the constitution so as to relieve persons from political disqualifications on account of their religious opinions, has again passed both branches of the legislature--in the house of delegates by a vote of 26 to 25; only 51 out of 80 members being present. Before it is effective it must be passed by the next succeeding legislature..." (see).
Another article is headed: "Liberation of Peru" which includes a "Proclamation" which is signed in type: Bolivar (see).
Complete in 16 pages, measures about 6 1/2 by 10 inches with various foxing. Generally in nice condition.
This small size newspaper began in 1811 and was a prime source for national political news of the first half of the 19th century. As noted in Wikipedia: "Niles edited and published the Weekly Register until 1836, making it into one of the most widely-circulated magazines in the United States and himself into one of the most influential journalists of his day. Devoted primarily to politics, Niles' Weekly Register is considered an important source for the history of the period."
Category: Pre-Civil War