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Colonial Boston with front page "Slaves" ad...
Colonial Boston with front page "Slaves" ad...
Item # 550244
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July 05, 1773
THE BOSTON EVENING-POST, July 5, 1773 Two-thirds of the front page is taken up with various political reports, plus a column of ads, one of which is headed: "Slaves" and reading: "Any persons who have healthy Slaves to dispose of, Male or Female, that have been some years in the country, of 25 years of age or under, may be informed of a purchaser by applying to the printers." (see)
Other news reports on pages 2 and 3 with half of page 3 taken up with ads. The entire back page is taken up with ads.
Slightly close-trimmed at the top of page 4, minor mend to the bottom, blank margin of page 1, bit irregular at the spine.
Category: The 1600's and 1700's