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Cassius Clay... Muhammad Ali... Sonny Liston...
Cassius Clay... Muhammad Ali... Sonny Liston...
Item # 553041
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May 26, 1965
THE SPRINGFIELD UNION, Springfield, Massachusetts, May 26, 1965
* Cassius Clay
* Muhammad Ali
* Sonny Liston
* Heavyweight boxing title fight w/ famous photo
This 40 page newspaper has a three column headline on the front page: "Clay Winner by Knockout Over Linston in First Round" with famous photo of Ali standing over Linston after knockout with caption: "Cassius Taunts the Fallen Bear".
Much more on page 30 with more headlines and related photos. (see)
Unusual to find this report on the front page as usually they were only in the sport's section. Nice for display.
Other news of the day throughout. Nice condition.
Category: The 20th Century