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Victoria Woodhull arrested...

Item # 553764

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December 16, 1873

EVENING LEADER, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, December 16, 1873

* Victoria Claflin Woodhull arrest

A front page report headed "Woodhull Arrested" & datelined "Jackson, Michigan, Dec. 16", says:

* Victoria C. Woodhull was arrested yesterday on a charge of selling obscene literature, called 'The Elixir of Life.'....Mrs. Woodhull was immediately bailed out...and lectured on the 'Social System' to about six hundred people. She will be tried tomorrow...

Other news of the day with many ads throughout this 4 page issue. Nice condition.

wikipedia notes: Victoria Claflin Woodhull (September 23, 1838 – June 9, 1927) was an American suffragist who was described by Gilded Age newspapers as a leader of the American woman's suffrage movement in the 19th century. She became a colorful and notorious symbol for women's rights, free love, and labor reforms. The authorship of her speeches and articles is disputed. Some contend that many of her speeches on these subjects were not written by Woodhull herself, while others allege that this is a form of revisionism not supported by the evidence. Either way, her role as a representative of these movements was nonetheless powerful and controversial. She is probably most famous for her declaration to run for the United States Presidency in 1872.

Category: Post-Civil War