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Monitor and Merrimac... Modern naval warfare begins...
Monitor and Merrimac... Modern naval warfare begins...
Item # 558260
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March 10, 1862
THE NEW-YORK TIMES, March 10, 1862
* Historic Monitor vs. Merrimac naval battle
Front page heads beginning at the top of the first column describe the events of the most famous naval engagement of the Civil War: "Highly Important News" "Desperate Naval Engagement in Hampton Roads" "Attack Upon our Blockading Vessels by the Rebel Steamers Merrimac, Jamestown and Yorktown" "The Frigate Cumberland Run Into by the Merrimac and Sunk" 'Part of Her Crew Reported to be Drowned" "Surrender Of The Frigate Congress" "Engagement of the Rebel Steamers with the Newport's New Batteries" "The Minnesota and Other Vessels Aground" "Cessation Of Firing At Night" "Opportune Arrival of the Iron-Clad Ericsson Battery Monitor" "A Five Hours' Engagement Between Her and the Merrimac" "The Rebel Vessel Forced to Haul Off" "The Monitor Uninjured" & in the third column reports about the engagement between the two famous iron-clads: "Later And Better News" "A Five Hours' Engagement Between the Ericsson Battery and the three Rebel Steamers" "The Rebel Vessels Driven Off --The Merrimac in a Sinking Condition", plus: "The Vessels Engaged", which provides a detailed description of "The Ericsson Battery Monitor" & "The Merrimac" as well as several of the other vessels involved in the overall engagement at Hampton Roads, Virginia.
Also has a 10 by 9 inch map: "The Line Of The Potomac From Harper's Ferry To The Chetank Point".
The back page has a 5 3/4 by 4 1/2 inch map headed: "Norfolk And Is Neighborhood" showing: "The Locality of the Great Maritime Action in Hampton Roads & the Railroad Connections of Norfolk with Richmond and Petersburgh."
Eight pages, in very nice condition.
Category: Yankee