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Baseball ... Black club plays white club in 1869...
Baseball ... Black club plays white club in 1869...
Item # 558434
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September 05, 1869
THE NEW-YORK TIMES, September 5, 1869 On the front page under "Base Ball" is a report: "A Novel Game in Philadelphia--A Negro Club in the Field--The White Club Victorious"
The report, datelined "Philadelphia, Penn., Sept. 4", reads, in full: "The Pythian Baseball club, (colored) after challenging a number of white clubs of this city, who refused to play, succeeded in getting an acceptance from the Olympic, which club defeated them by a score of 44 to 23. The novelty of the affair drew an immense crowd of people, it being the first game played between a white and colored club. Umpire--Colonel Fitzgerald"
This might be the first time a black club played against a white club and certainly one of the earliest, and perhaps the first newspaper report of such an event. Great to have on the front page. A nice Black Americana item, and a historic report about early baseball.
Other news of the day throughout this 8 page issue that is in nice condition.
Category: Post-Civil War