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Confessions in the "Black Sox" baseball World Series scandal...
Confessions in the "Black Sox" baseball World Series scandal...
Item # 559065
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September 20, 1920
THE TIMES-PICAYUNE, New Orleans, Louisiana, Sept. 29, 1920 The front page has a nice four column, two line head reading: "EDDIE CICOTTE AND JOE JACKSON CONFESS GREATEST SCANDAL IN BASEBALL HISTORY" with subheads reading: "Eight White Sox Players Indicted After Testimony Before Grand Jury" "All Suspended By Comiskey" "Players Are Double-Crossed by Abe Attell, Who Promised Them $2100,000, But Paid $2190,000, Is Claim" "World's Series May Be Called Off If Chicago Wins Pennant" and more (see).
But the prime feature of this issue is the montage of ten front page photos relating to the World Series scandal, headed: "Accused Ball Players And Their Accusers", including Cicotte & Joe Jackson among others (see). The article carries over to page 8.
The complete 24 page issue in excellent condition. A rare opportunity for a fine front page report on his infamous event in baseball history, and in great condition.
Category: The 20th Century