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Inaugural Address of Jefferson Davis...

Item # 560773

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February 26, 1862

THE NEW YORK TIMES, February 26, 1862

* Jefferson Davis inauguration & inaugural address

The back page has:

* From The South
* Jeff. Davis' Inaugural Address
* Acknowledgment of Rebel Defeats
* Another Day of Fasting and Prayer

Contains the text of Davis inaugural address in which he states in part: "...we have assembled to usher into existence the Permanent government of the Confederate States...."

Also has details about "The Inaugural Ceremonies" and the text of a proclamation scheduling a day of fasting, signed in type: Jefferson Davis.

Civil war headlines on the front page include: "Important From Tennessee" "The News of the Capture of Nashville Confirmed" "The Rebels Fallen Back to Murfreesboro" "Important From Kentucky" "The Probable Evacuation of Columbus" and more.

NOTE: This was Davis' second inaugural address delivered when the Confederate Constitution and Presidency were declared permanent and no longer provisional.

A bit of lite staining in the right margin & lower right corner, otherwise in good condition.

Category: Yankee