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First Act of Congress passed by Congress...

Item # 562436

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May 23, 1789

GAZETTE OF THE UNITED STATES, New York, May 23, 1789  Page 3 has an historic report reading in part: "Yesterday the first Act passed by the Congress of the United States, prescribing the form of the oath to be taken by all persons holding offices under the Government of the United States...& the manner of administering the same, was presented to THE PRESIDENT for is signature...".
The back page includes an advertisement headed: "The President's Household" concerning paying servants & others who provided supplies "...for the Household of The President of the United States..." signed in type: Samuel Fraunces, Steward of the Household. (see)  Fraunces was the owner of the famous Fraunces Tavern in New York City where in 1783 General George Washington said farewell to his officers at the close of the Revolutionary War.
Most of pg. 2 & some of pg. 3 are taken up with "Sketch of Proceedings of Congress" from its infancy, which includes mentions of Franklin, Madison, Adams, and more.
Four pages, irregular at the spine with minor spine loss not touching any type, otherwise nice condition.

Category: The 1600's and 1700's