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Tehachapi, California earthquake....
Tehachapi, California earthquake....
Item # 562806
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July 22, 1952
THE DETROIT NEWS, Michigan, July 22, 1952
* Tehachapi, California earthquake
* Kern County - White Wolf Fault
This 40 page newspaper has one column headlines on page 2: "Quake Toll Climbs to 11" and "California Counts Damage in Millions" with smaller subheads and related photos on the back page (page 40)
Other news of the day throughout. Light browning with minor margin wear, otherwise in good condition.
wikipedia notes: On July 21, 1952 Tehachapi was devastated by a magnitude 7.5 (Richter scale) earthquake on the little known White Wolf Fault. Unreinforced brick buildings resulted in major building destruction, but have long been outlawed in California building codes.
Category: The 20th Century