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South Carolina Secession Convention...

Item # 565228

December 26, 1860

NEW YORK TIMES, New York, NY, December 26,1860

* Proceedings of the South Carolina Secession Convention

The front page has: "The Disunion Crisis", "Important Dispatches from Washington", "Mr. Seward's Propositions in the Senate Special Committee", "No Probability of an Agreement", "The South Carolina Commissioners not to be Recognized" ,"President Buchanan Invited to Resign", "What is Thought of the Excitement at Pittsburgh", "Proceedings of the South Carolina Secession Convention" and "The Defalcation in the Department of the Interior".

Other news on page one include: "Disunion and Slavery", "The Real Issue in the Pending Sectional Controversy", "Claims of the south--Duty of the North--The True Policy of the Slaveholding States" and more.

Page four has: "The President Arming Secession" and "The Object of Secession--Out at Last".

 This issue is eight pages in length. There are a few purple pencil marks not affecting text. There are also a few print creases not affecting important text. Otherwise in good condition.

Category: Pre-Civil War