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1929 Stock Market Crash...

Item # 567150

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November 15, 1929

THE NEW YORK TIMES, New York, November 15, 1929  The stock market crash of 1929 did much to define America for the next decade, resulting in the Great Depression and all the trauma relating to it. It seemed common for many newspapers to put a positive spin on the on-going tragedy, so front page reports often conflicted with the reality of the time.

Given that the stock exchange is in New York City, the "Times" remains one of the most desired of all newspapers on the crash.

This 56 page issue has a three column headline on the front page: "STOCKS UP 1 TO 30 POINTS, HOLD GAINS AS BUYING PUBLIC RECOVERS CONFIDENCE; MONEY RATES AND BROKERS' LOANS DROP" with many subheads. (see) Much more on page 2. Loads of text, too much to photograph

And the many pages within this issue provide a fascinating glimpse of life during those tumultuous weeks.

Rag edition, minor spine wear, otherwise in very nice condition.

Category: The 20th Century