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Discussion to repeal the Intolerable Acts...
Discussion to repeal the Intolerable Acts...
Item # 568896
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October 04, 1774
THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, October 4, 1774 An inside page has some "Proceedings Yesterday at Guildhall" in London, which includes some discussion of the situation in America such as: "...that were we only to cast our eyes to America we should see to what a dreadful situation those brave people were reduced through the iniquitous conduct of the late corrupt Houses of Parliament; that the unanimity the Americans have shewn to resist all such arbitrary acts & the noble struggle they make to preserve their liberties..." and further on: "...For restoring to our fellow subjects the essential right of taxation by representatives of their own free election, & for repealing the universal excise which has lately been substituted in the colonies..." and "For repealing the four late iniquitous acts respecting America.--The Quebec act...The Boston Port Act...The act of altering the charter of the province of Massachusetts Bay. And the act for the trial in Europe of persons accused of criminal offences in America..." with a bit more (see).
The back page has a letter form Boston which includes: "The Bostonians are at present very quiet, five regiments encamped in the heart of their town contribute much to it...suspending all their riotous operations till they know the result of the general congress to be held at Philadelphia on the first of September, for which place the delegates from this province set off about eight days ago..." and a bit more (see).
Eight pages, red ink tax stamp on page 2, 8 1/2 by 11 inches, very nice condition.
Category: The 1600's and 1700's