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Jefferson Davis... Thanksgiving proclamation...

Item # 573537

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January 26, 1865

DAILY EXAMINER, Richmond, Virginia, January 26, 1865 

* Jefferson Davis' day of Thanksgiving proclamation
* From the rebel capital

Not only a Confederate newspaper, but one from the capital of the Confederacy. The front page includes: "The War News" with various reports from the different fields of battle, subheads including: "Deserters from the Yankee  Army" "The Blockade" "The Nashville Disaster" and more. Also: "Spirit of the Army" "The Courts" "City Intelligence" and various advertisements.

The back page has a lengthy editorial which begins: "In our patient & good humoured army there is now & then a slight grumble of dissatisfaction at the long-continued failure to issue their pay..." with much more. There is also a: "Proclamation by the President, Appointing a Day of Fasting, Humiliation and Prayer, with Thanksgiving" which is signed in type: Jefferson Davis. The back page also has much reporting from the: "Confederate States Congress".

Complete as a single sheet newspaper with a one column masthead (typical late in the war) with untrimmed margins and in excellent condition.

Category: Confederate