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Taxing the Americans, and more...
Taxing the Americans, and more...
Item # 576425
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March 24, 1774
THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, March 24, 1774 An inside page has an item headed: "America to Great Britain" which begins: "Can any man be said to have a property in that, which another can be right take from him when he pleases, without his consent?.." with the remainder of this full-column take consisting of a series of questions, including: "...Are not the representatives of the people of Great Britain subject themselves to the laws which they made...Is there the same tie upon them with respect to any laws which they might make for America?"..." and "...Might they not be tempted to oppress the Americans...when, by so doing, they enrich themselves? Might not America, under tax masters thus interested in their oppression, be deemed in a state of abject slavery?..." with more.
The bkpg. has a bit which includes: "It was yesterday asserted in a Great Assembly that the Bostonians were in possession of 12 pieces of cannon & were making every necessary preparation for a vigorous defence." (see).
Complete in 8 pages, measures 8 81/2 by 11 1/4 inches, red ink tax stamp on page 2, very nice condition.
Category: The 1600's and 1700's