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Two letters from Jack the Ripper... Gory details...

Item # 577751

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October 19, 1888

THE TIMES, London, England, October 19, 1888   "Jack the Ripper" reports were common in the latter half of 1888, capturing the interest of people on both sides of the Atlantic as evidenced by the reports in many newspapers in the United States. It was the international "sensation" of the era, and a case which was never conclusively solved. Not surprisingly, issues of the respected "Times" newspaper from London are the most sought after, being the primary source for Jack the Ripper reports.
Page 5 has two-thirds of a column taken up with a report headed: "The Murders In London" with the article including: "...received several letters purporting to be from the perpetrator of the Whitechapel murders...accompanied by a cardboard box containing what appeared to be a portion of a kidney. The letter was in the following terms: "...From Hell. Mr. Lusk, Sir, I send you half the kidney I took from one woman...other piece I fried and ate it; was very nice..." with  some other gory comments (see). Other portions include: "...recollection that the left kidney was missing from the woman Eddowes who was murdered & mutilated in Mitre square..." Catherine Eddowes was one of the "canonical five" victims generally accepted as having been murdered by Jack the Ripper. Nine others are suspected but evidence linking their deaths to Jack the Ripper was inconclusive. Further on in the article is a portion of another letter received from the presumed "Jack the Ripper" (see).
Complete in 16 pages and in very nice condition with no pulpishness which normally is the case, as this issue was obviously stored in a well-controlled environment for the last 100+ years. A few discrete, small archival mends at the margins.

Category: Post-Civil War