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German Battleship Bismarck sunk.....

Item # 581734

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May 27, 1941

THE NEW YORK TIMES, May 27, 1941
* German Battleship Bismarck Attacked
* Would sink from this attack
* HMS Hood revenged - World War II
This 48 page newspaper has a three line, five column headline on the front page: "BRITISH FLEET ENGAGES BISMARCK, HIT IN CHASE BY AERIAL TORPEDO; CRETE INVADERS GAIN NEAR CANEA" with subheads that include: "Sea Battle Starts" "Victor Over Hood Caught in Strait of Denmark, Oslo Radio Says".

Coverage continues on page 4 with photo of the Bismarck (see images). Other news of the day including much on the current war. Minor margin wear with a few small clippings cut out on a few inside pages but does not affect mentioned report, otherwise in good condition.

Category: The 20th Century