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Supporting the non-importation agreement...

Item # 581944

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August 25, 1770

BINGLEY'S WEEKLY JOURNAL, London, Aug. 25, 1770  The front page has a report from New York which includes: "...answers to the proposals from this city for altering the non-importation agreement & opening the trade to Great Britain except for tea...have been received from Boston, Philadelphia, etc....they have unanimously & absolutely rejected the said proposal being resolutely determined firmly to adhere to the non-importation agreement as it stands..." with more (see).
Page 3 has a brief item concerning the receipt of English goods by two shopkeepers: "...contrary to the non-importation agreement...Committee of Merchants went for them & represented the impropriety of the conduct, which they readily acknowledged, & the goods were immediately went back." (see photos).
Four pages, folio size, bit of light damp staining, generally good.

Category: The 1600's and 1700's