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Supreme Court outlaws bus segregation...

Item # 582548

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November 14, 1956

THE SPRINGFIELD UNION, Springfield, Massachusetts, Nov. 14, 1956 

* Bus segregation ends in the South
* Supreme Court decision

A landmark decision by the United States Supreme Court outlawed bus segregation throughout the country, doing much to create defiant reactions throughout the South. This issue has a 3 column head at the bottom of the front page: "Supreme Court's Bus Segregation Ban Draws Defiant Reaction in South" with the article noting that several states will not be following it (see for portions). The article carries over to page 5 where there is a separate article: "Laws Requiring Segregation On Busses are Hit".
A significant issue in the early Civil Rights movement. Complete in 40 pages, nice condition.

Category: The 20th Century