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General Albert Sidney Johnston... Confederate answer to Harper's Weekly...

Item # 582935

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January 31, 1863

SOUTHERN ILLUSTRATED NEWS, Richmond, Jan. 31, 1863 A very rare publication from the Confederacy which seldom comes to the collector market. Although much of the content was literary in nature, there are news reports and a few illustrations.
A nice feature of this issue is that the entire front page is taken up with an illustration of one of the more famous generals of the Confederacy: "General Albert Sidney Johnston" with an extensive biography of him taking most of page 4 (see for portions).
Page 2 has over a full column taken up with: "The Times" which reports on the latest events of the Civil War, a few bits including: "...The enemy have been busy in constructing a causeway through the farm of Captain John Seddon...Burnside, it is said has been superseded not by 'fighting Joe Hooker' of whom the Yankee letter-writers make such a hero, but by Foster, the 'skedaddling' hero who distinguished himself in North Carolina by fighting and running away...In Yankeedom affairs seem to be growing very serious...A telegram from General Bragg to the War Department conveys the intelligence of further Confederate successes in the west..." and included is a nice letter signed in type by: Braxton Bragg, General (see). There is also a lengthy article on the: "Death Of Alexander Galt" the famous "Virginia sculptor.
Most of a page is taken up with a literary piece with a Civil War back drop, titled: "Outlines From The Outpost: The Recollections, Reveries and Dreams", followed by a poem titled: "On To Richmond".
A rarity with this issue would be the two illustrations on war devices, one captioned: "A Pontoon" and the other: "Constructing The Bridge" (see). Further  on are: "Poems Of The War: The Substitute".
The back page features a great political cartoon, very anti-North, titled: "Schoolmaster Lincoln and His Boys", the "boys" being Burnside, McClellan, Pope, and Banks, all shown severely injured, with further text (see).
Eight pages, archival mends across the central folds with some wear here to the back two leaves, generally in nice condition.

Category: Confederate