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Problems with the Quartering Act... Troubling American affairs...

Item # 583790

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March 20, 1769

THE PENNSYLVANIA CHRONICLE & UNIVERSAL ADVERTISER, Philadelphia March 20, 1769  An inside page has a continued report from Boston beginning: "The unhappy consequences of quartering troops in this town, daily visible in the profaneness, sabbath breaking, drunkenness, & other debaucheries & immoralities, may lead us to conclude that our enemies are waging war with the morals as well as the rights & privileges of the poor inhabitants..." with more, taking over a full column (see for portions).
Another item from London notes: "...That some of the ministers had declared they were against severe measures...That there were some in both Houses who were advocates for the colonies: That it was thought by some the acts would not be repealed: That our friends thought the people here acted very prudently in their agreeing not to use any tea...American affairs engage the attention of the public here, & truly they are in a critical situation. The late resolution of several of the colonies not to import any British manufactures, etc. make great impressions on the minds of the people here..." with more.
Eight pages, 9 1/2 by 11 3/4 inches, nice coat-of-arms engraving in the masthead, very nice condition.

Category: The 1600's and 1700's