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East St. Louis race riots....

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July 03, 1917

SPRINGFIELD REPUBLICAN, Springfield, Massachusetts, July 3, 1917

* East St. Louis MO Missouri race riots
* Negroes - lynch mobs (1st report)

This 16 page newspaper has nice three column headlines on the front page: "MOB KILLS MANY NEGROES", "Dead in East St. Louis May Reach 250", "SHOT FLEEING FROM BURNING HOMES" with subheads (see photos). 1st report coverage of the East St. Louis race riot which was considered one the worst in U.S. history.

Other news, sports and advertisements of the day. Light browning, Small address label in masthead, otherwise good. Should be handled with care.

wikipedia notes: The East St. Louis Riot (May and July 1917) was an outbreak of labor and racially motivated violence that caused anywhere between 40 and 200 deaths and extensive property damage in the United States industrial city of East St. Louis, Illinois, located on the east bank of the Mississippi River across from St. Louis, Missouri. It was the worst incidence of labor-related violence in 20th century American history, and one of the worst race riots in U.S. history. It gained national attention. The local Chamber of Commerce called for the resignation of the Police Chief. At the end of the month, ten thousand people marched in silent protest in New York City over the riots, which contributed to the radicalization of many.

Category: The 20th Century