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Handsome colonial Philadelphia newspaper...

Item # 584920

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March 09, 1769

THE PENNSYLVANIA GAZETTE, Philadelphia, March 9, 1769 

* Rare Colonial American title
* Gained recognition under Ben Franklin's previous ownership

This was the newspaper which Benjamin Franklin owned for many years, turning it into an exceedingly successful--and profitable--enterprise. His name appeared in the imprint through 1765.

The front page mostly has items from London. Page 2 has more news items, some relating to America, with  such reports carrying over to page 3 where are items headed "New York" and Philadelphia, the latter having a report of the marriage of famed financier Robert Morris (see). Page 3 has ads also, including: "To Be Sold, A likely Negroe wench...". The back page is filled with ads.

Four pages, nice engraving of a coat-of-arms in the masthead, never bound nor trimmed and in great condition. A great opportunity for a famous colonial newspaper at a reasonable price.

Category: The 1600's and 1700's