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A signer of the Declaration of Independence passes away... Frigate Constitution...

Item # 584953

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August 16, 1811

SALEM GAZETTE, Salem, Massachusetts, August 16, 1811 Page three of this issue carries under the heading "Deaths" a small notification "...In Connecticut, Hon. William Williams: he signed the declaration of Independence, and continued thro life a Washington federalist...".

Page 2 has a report from Washington, Aug, 8. "The frigate Constitution, 44 guns, Capt. Hull, was in Hampton Roads on Friday last. Two British frigates were riding in the Roads. Capt. Hull hailed one, the Atalanta (of 18 guns). She not only answered very civilly, but her band played the President's March, or Hail Columbia."

Other news and advertisements of the day are within the issue.

This is complete in four pages, untrimmed, a bit of a crease at the center fold along with some lite rubbing, otherwise in good condition.

Category: Pre-Civil War