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Offers for the permanent home for Congress...
Offers for the permanent home for Congress...
Item # 587789
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August 19, 1783
* Finding a home for the Federal government
Page 2 has a report that: "...Congress of the United States...to offer & propose to pay or secure to all officers entitled to half-pay for life, five years full pay in lieu of the half pay for life, provided said officers would lineally accept the same...". Page 3 has a report that: "Four of the states have invited Congress to make them the place of their future residence. That honourable body has been offered by New York the town of Esopus--by New Jersey, a tract of land in any part of the states with money to erect necessary buildings--by Maryland the city of Annapolis--and by Virginia the city of Williamsburgh..." (see).
The back page has a satirical "advertisement": "For Sale by Auction, the entire stock in Trade of a Warlike Nation, Just Left off Business" beginning: "120,000 men, very little the worse for use & warranted as brave as the first moment--to be had dog cheap...several thousand officers swords...most having never been used elsewhere...2000 scalps taken from American heads--very proper as trophies!..." & more (see).
Four pages, very ornate masthead, close-trimmed at the bottom of pg. 4 only affecting only ads, generally nice.
Category: The 1600's and 1700's