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The Copyright Act...

Item # 588684

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June 05, 1790


* Copyright Act of 1790
* George Washington & more

A very significant issue for anyone in the publishing field, as page two of this issue has virtually an entire column taken up with the printing of: "An Act for the Encouragement of Learning, by securing the Copies of Maps, Charts and Books to the Authors & Proprietors of such Copies, during the times therein mentioned." which was the copyright act, signed in type: George Washington as President, as well as by Thomas Jefferson and John Adams. Note the hyperlink to Wikipedia shows this very Act in the Columbian Centinel issue of July 17, over 5 weeks after the date of this issue. To my knowledge this newspaper was the very first to publish the Copyright Act.
Page 2 also has another letter signed in type: G. Washington, being his reply to the letter sent by the delegates of the state societies of the Cincinnati (see) congratulating him on being elected President. Many reports from Congress including: "...a bill for establishing the permanent seat of the federal government was read a second time..." and also mention that "...The bill for giving effect to the laws of the United States in respect to the state of Rhode Island...was read the third time and passed..." as Rhode Island had just recent become the last of the 13 original colonies to ratify the Constitution.
Four pages, very nice, clean condition.

Considered by many as the most significant newspaper of the 18th century, as the Gazette was the mouthpiece of all matters political. Most pronouncements from Congress & the President were printed first in this newspaper.

Category: The 1600's and 1700's