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Al Capone's hitman, Frank Nitti, commits suicide...
Al Capone's hitman, Frank Nitti, commits suicide...
Item # 589802
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March 20, 1943
THE NEW YORK TIMES, March 20, 1943
* Frank Nitti suicide death (1st report)
* Al Capone henchman - gangsters
This 30 page newspaper has one column headlines on the front page that include: "8 CAPONE'S AIDES INDICTED IN FRAUD; ONE KILLS HIMSELF" "'Syndicate' Leader Dies by a Bullet in Chicago..."
Also a two column headline on the back page (page30) reads: "Gang Leader Nitti Kills Himself In Chicago After Indictment Here" with photo of Nitti (see photos). 1st report coverage on famous Al Capone hitman, Frank Nitti, killing himself to avoid jail time. Nice to have in this famous NYC title.
Other news, sports and advertisements of the day with much on World War II. Nice condition.
Category: The 20th Century