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Nazi rockets during World War II...
Nazi rockets during World War II...
Item # 590637
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July 12, 1946
THE NEW YORK TIMES, July 12, 1946
* "Spruce Goose" flying boat
* Howard Hughes construction
* Nazi rockets showing a trend
This 38 page newspaper has a four column photo on page 5 with heading: "The World's Largest Flying Boat Taking Shape In California" which shows the famous "Spruce Goose" airplane under construction by Howard Hughes.
Also two column headlines on the same page: "Germany's Missiles", "Some of Weapons in Which Enemy Was Well Ahead of U.S. Show Future Trend" which shows a list of some of the rockets used by the Germans, showing a trend of increasing technology over time.
Other news, sports and advertisements of the day throughout. Rag edition in great condition.
Category: The 20th Century